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2014 01 30 organizer meeting notes

Dan Bernier edited this page Jan 30, 2014 · 1 revision


Dan, Adam, Casey

Kyle showed up at the end for a bit.

SupaTech Planning

Hosting SupaTech at Yale TEAL

It's free.

Power, wifi, etc, are provided.

It'll be co-hosted by STC, Student Tech Collaborative.

Have to be off-class hours. Spring Break is 2 weeks in mid-March: 3/7 - 3/23

We'll need a front-door guard w/ a Yale ID to let people in.

No food in the TEAL rooms.

Area food: Moe's, Great Wall, Anna Liffey's, Clark's Diner, Casius... so we could do the restaurant break-out groups for lunch.

Room holds ~114 people.

Hosting SupaTech under SupaThug, aka Broken Umbrella

  • Kyle & Zack looked at the SupaThug place, aka the Broken Umbrella theatre:

    It is both free and awesome. We'll run cat6 from SCF and the Grove for wireless.

Still needed:

  • chairs
  • bathrooms
  • projector & screen

It has no HVAC, so we'd have to aim at maybe May. It DOES have electricity.

SupaTech T-shirts

If we can get the conf to 0 (or near 0) cost, we can let people attend for free.

We also can do what BarCamp Boston did, which is charge no attendance, but offer a T-shirt for a $20 donation.

Upcoming meetups


Not many attendees: we need to encourage people to tweet it.

Casey: Students don't know the term DevOps. They'd be excited by Heroku, though.

Java, Thursday March 6

CoreInformatics is sponsoring it. YEI is hosting.

Casey can advertise this to Yale ITS, which should help.

Rails Girls event?

Adam coached one in NYC recently. ThoughtWorks was there, & would be interested in helping us host another one here. has a TON of info, including scripts for coaches.