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Joachim Ansorg edited this page Nov 12, 2021 · 2 revisions

Quote the rhs of = in [[ ]] to prevent glob matching.

Problematic code:

[[ $a = $b ]]

Correct code:

[[ $a = "$b" ]]


When the right-hand side of =, == or != is unquoted in [[ .. ]], it will be treated like a glob.

This has some unexpected consequences like [[ $var = $var ]] being false (for var='[a]'), or [[ $foo = $bar ]] giving a different result from [[ $bar = $foo ]].

The most common intention is to compare one variable to another as strings, in which case the right-hand side must be quoted.


If you explicitly want to match against a pattern, you can ignore this warning.


Each individual ShellCheck warning has its own wiki page like SC1000. Use GitHub Wiki's "Pages" feature above to find a specific one, or see Checks.

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