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iNavFlight Missions
iNav поддерживает автономный полёт используя навигационные точки. In order to use this capability, it is also necessary to utilise and configure some supporting technologies, including:
- GCS (Наземная контрольная станция). GCS (наземка) предназначена для создания точек полёта(WP), выгрузки их в полётный контроллер (ПК), проверку/сверку миссии/точек, выполнение миссии и запись/просмотр логов полёта (пишутся в устройство наземки);
- Оборудование для телеметрии. Для выгрузки/загрузки точек или миссии в/из полётного контроллера и контроль за выполнением миссии в реальном времени на мониторе вашей наземки (планшет, телефон и т.п.) необходимо установить и настроить модули телеметрии как в настройках ПК, так и на стороне наземной станции.
This wiki topic describes the software currently available and some of the telemetry options. Please also see the wiki page on more general navigation mode options.
MSP (MultiWii протокол) messages defining mission navigation are documented. This message set is supported by the ezgui and mwp ground stations.
На данный момент известны уже три программы для Наземной станции под использование с прошивкой iNav, ezgui (Android), Mission Planner for INAV, and mwp (Linux). In future, other options may become available, particularly as the MAVLink protocol becomes supported by iNav. However, MAVLink based tools will only provide monitoring.
ezgui, Mission Planner for INAV and mwp both support mission planning (they share a common mission definition file format, so missions can be used in either tool), mission upload / download, mission monitoring and mission logging. ezgui also provides a FC configuration capability.
ezgui можно загрузить отсюда: Google Play store. Это бесплатное ПО, однако для использования всеми функциями программы, желательно приобрести (за символическую плату) разблокировку допфункций. Программа не опенсорсная.
Базовые функции программы EZ-GUI и примеры установки миссий в iNav описаны здесь.
There is a RC Groups support forum
MP for iNAV можно загрузить отсюда Google Play store. Программа пока не коммерческая (однако функционал пока не изучен), требования к Андроид не ниже 4,3 Построена на базе вышеназванной программы, с упором на функционал айНАВ.
Droid Planner 2 can also be downloaded from the Google Play store. It is free and released under GNU Public License v3.
Droid Planner only supports iNav's one-way mavlink protocol. The following telemetry data is displayed:
Vehicle position on map, active flightmode, heading, altitude, speed.
A broken connection recovers once restored after any amount of time. The flight track remains on screen even when data link is broken -> lost model recovery. Log files can be opened in PC software Mission Planner.
mwp can be downloaded from Github. mwp is open source (GPL 2). It is available only as a source distribution and it is necessary to compile and install the application. Build instructions and dependencies are provided for Ubuntu and Fedora. Arch Linux users can install mwp from the AUR (Arch User Repository).
In addition to mission planning and logger, mwp also supports the replay of blackbox logs against a geospatial background (requires blackbox-tools). mwp also includes numerous poorly documented scripts for mission and blackbox analysis, as well as an overly comprehensive user guide.
There is a RC Groups support forum
mwp can be run in a virtual machine on MS Windows and OSX / macOS, using virtualisation tools such as VirtualBox and Parallels.
Mobile Flight: Configuration and ground control app for Cleanflight on iPhone http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2601895&highlight=ios appears to have some support for iNav for GPS logging at least. This application is in an early stage of development.
WinGUI is a Windows program developed for Multiwii-nav. It is currently somewhat abandoned, but would be a viable basis for developing a Windows program for iNav navigation (or better, supporting both Multiwii and iNav, as do the other tools described here). Should anyone wish to rescue this fine application, the source code (GPL v3) may be found at https://code.google.com/archive/p/mw-wingui/.
Для загрузки/выгрузки точек миссии в ПК, а так же для контроля их выполнения на вашем мониторе, необходимо иметь модули телеметрии. Примеры некоторых популярных вариантов:
- Bluetooth
- 3DR (433Mhz / 915Mhz)
- WiFi (ESP8266)
- HR-12 (433Mhz, similar to 3DR)
- Openlrs/Openlrsng devices (such orangerx 433 tx/rx combo)
Bluetooth is the easiest solution to get working with minimal effort. A cheap HC-06 BT module is all that is needed (the phone or laptop built-in BT is used on the ground station). Its disadvantage is the range, for most users data loss / dropout will occur over 20m. Its thus useful for testing out configurations, but for many users the limitation of range will call for another solution.
3DR radios operate in the regionally unlicensed 433MHz and 900MHz bands. They are widely available from online retailers. Detailed documentation is available at from Ardupilot.org. The standard 3DR firmware is designed for the MAVLink protocol; there is a fork of the firmware available for the MSP (Multiwii Serial Protocol) used by iNav https://github.com/stronnag/SiK-MSP.
*На данный момент опробованы модули 3DR 915mHz V2, с прошивкой MawLink, однако с конфигуратором iNAV (и с наземкой Ez-Gui) они нормально заработали только при активации протокола MSP Сообщение на форуме.
3DR технология средней дистанции, возможна связь до 1км. Расстояние зависит от настроек модулей, подробнее: здесь
Расширенные настройки для 3DR is detailed at the end of this wiki page
Так же, можно воспользоваться фирменной утилитой для настройки скачать.
ESP8266 это WiFi to serial мост. Если желаете передавать/принимать данные по WiFi. Довольно ограниченное расстояние (максимум 300m) и надёжность. Автор предупреждает, что возможны интерференции ESP8266 модулей и 2.4GHz РУ.
Расширенная настройка модуля ESP8266 здесь детальная информация по настройкам, некоторые данные можете найти здесь RC Groups post. That post demonstrates excellent coverage out to 150m using mwp, ESP07 and ESP01 modules and the standard vendor firmware. The ESP07 module works well with an external antenna.
There is an ezgui howto on ESP8266 devices.
Another, highly detailed how-to for ESP8266 and Cleanflight/Baseflight/INAV is available here. This reports very poor results, possibly due to the native WiFi capability in the phone hosting ezgui (vice the laptop adaptor for the mwp test).
HR-12 is a comparable radio technology to 3DR with similar range and performance characteristics. Its configuration and usage with iNav is well documented https://quadmeup.com/diy-wireless-telemetry-link-for-uav/ and https://quadmeup.com/hc-12-433mhz-wireless-serial-communication-module-configuration/. The configuration documented would work equally well in ezgui and mwp. *небольшое уточнение: модули крайне капризные, особенно последнее время с Алиэкспресс. Связь не стабильная и не далёкая.
Openlrsng is a full radio control system, mainly used for LRS (long range systems). It supports radio beacon for lost models, failsafe and other characteristics.
For telemetry data, it offers a bi-directional channel, and Frsky, S.Port (both simulated protocols) and serial transparent telemetry are allowed. The telemetry range in this system depends on power, antennas and baudrate. Lowering baudrate, and with good antennas, very long distances have been acchieved with full telemetry at ground station.
Openlrsng can be combined with bluetooth devices at GCS, so you could connect to the model in flight with your phone, tablet or PC. In this case, depending on the protocol used or the complexity of your transmitter or the software in your android device, there are many options, like seeing the data on the LCD screen of the transmitter(er9x, LUA scripts for Taranis..), using of an antenna tracker, practicing a 'follow-me' performance...
A great number of compatible openlrsng devices can be found, from Hobbyking (UHF/LRS orangerx) to ebay and other suppliers.
Other solutions include Dragonlink. Contributions to the wiki solicited! В свежих прошивках появилась возможность сохранения маршрута в энергонезависимую память контроллера. После загрузки маршрута с помощью кабеля или других средств, описанных выше, необходимо сохранить маршрут комбинацией стиков только потом отключать батарею. Перед полётом, после подключения батареи необходимо считать маршрут из памяти ПК, так же комбинацией стиков. Комбинации указаны ниже на изображении:
Данные, передающиеся на ПК или обратно на "Наземку" используют "Протокол телеметрии". На текущий момент, iNav гарантированно работает с двумя протоколами (MSP and LTM), которые поддерживаются ezgui, MP и mwp. В будущем, возможно адаптация для полного использования и протокола MAVLink (mwp already supports this MAVLink subset), this will allow other tools to be used, such as the cross-platform QGroundControl. The MAVLink implementation currently proposed will only support push telemetry (i.e. mission monitoring, not mission planning).
MSP is the 'native' messaging protocol for iNav. It is well supported by the configurator, ezgui, mwp and many OSDs. It is all you need to upload missions and monitor flights. Its one disadvantage for mission monitoring is that it is a polled protocol, that is the GCS has to request data and the FC responds. This is not really an issue for some data links such as BT and WiFi, but the half-duplex nature of 3DR, where there is significant time cost in switching between receive and transmit modes, significantly limits the performance for mission monitoring.
ezgui, MP for iNAV and mwp can mitigate this performance hit by using MSP for configuration, mission upload / verification and monitoring prior to arming, and when configured in the FC, switching to LTM for mission monitoring when armed. This switch-over is automatic and transparent to the user.
LTM is a 'push' telemetry protocol; that is the FC sends data unsolicited to the GCS. This avoids the 'half-duplex' time penalty of MSP on 3DR radios. Unlike MSP, LTM only provides flight data, thus if you need the GCS to select a vehicle icon based on the multirotor type (QUADX, TRI etc), offer additional functions based in the FC firmware version or upload waypoints, then it is necessary to share the serial port on the FC between MSP and LTM; MSP is used when unarmed and LTM when armed. Both ezgui and mwp handle the switch-over automatically.
You can find documentation / specification for the LTM implementation in Inav in the mwp documentation.
LTM will operate effectively over low data rate links. Currently the iNav implementation pushes c. 300 bytes /sec, so in theory a 4800 over the air rate would suffice. There is a proposal in the comments for PR 184 that would provide a 'slow' mode down to 2400 baud (pushing approximately 170 byes/sec). Please note that iNav serial ports currently have a minimum speed of 9600 baud, so are more than adequate for LTM, even on soft serial.
LTM is supported by ezgui, mwp and (for OSD, ltm-osd-simple)
MAVLink (integration pending. PR#186)
MAVLink is a full-feature, highly capable protocol used by PX4, PIXHAWK, APM and Parrot AR.Drone platforms (inter alia). The proposed implementation for iNav is 'push telemetry' only, so it can only be used for flight monitoring, not mission planning.
The initial implementation proposed for iNav is supported by ezgui, Droid Planner 2, mwp and QGroundControl. Probably some of the Android apks for Mavlink will work with this telemetry protocol. Tower (Droid Planner 3) currently doesn't work.
If order to use mission planning or just flight monitoring, it is necessary to configure a port on the flight controller. Due to the often limited number of ports, multiple devices and potential baud rate clashes, some compromises may have to be made.
- Most users will want MSP on UART1 at 115200 baud (or better) for the typically shared USB connection for flashing and configuration;
- For reliable GPS performance, it is recommended to run the GPS on a hardware serial port;
- A Blackbox logger typically requires a high baud rate;
- You can only have MSP enabled on two ports;
- Telemetry can run at a slow rate, even on soft serial.
From this, some configuration examples; both these examples assume a PPM RX:
- UART1 MSP (USB and Bluetooth), same baud rate (typically 115200)
- UART1 MSP (unarmed), Blackbox (armed). The baud rates may differ (e.g. 115200 MSP, 250000 BBox);
- Softserial MSP and LTM (MSP unarmed, LTM armed), maximum 19200 baud.
- UART1 MSP (unarmed), Blackbox (armed). The baud rates may differ (e.g. 115200 MSP, 250000 BBox);
- UART3 MSP and LTM (MSP unarmed, LTM armed). No speed limit, but 3DR / HR-12 will have better range at low rates, and there is no benefit to higher rates.
Using a serial RX is more difficult, particularly for F1 devices. For F3, in the final example, putting the serial RX (Sbus, SpekSat) on UART3 and using soft serial for for MSP+LTM would be an acceptable solution.
Для этого нам потребуется наземная станция (телефон/планшет с программой телеметрии, упоминавшихся здесь ) и заданные в конфигураторе полётные режимы NAV WP и GCS NAV. Первый активирует загруженный маршрут, второй позволяет использовать режим "следуй за мной". (Можно включать одновременно на одном тумблере.)
Расставили на карте необходимые точки маршрута, выгрузили маршрут в ПК (всё на включенном коптере/самолёте и после выгрузки можно произвести загрузки из ПК, для проверки правильности переданной информации), взлетели и, активировав режим тумблером, наблюдаем за выполнением задания визуально и/или на экране телефона/планшета
iNav currently supports a subset of the WP / Mission MSP "specification". The following waypoint types are available (iNav 1.1).
- Точка маршрута (leg speed addition)
- Бесконечное удерживание позиции
- RTH (автовозврат домой доступен с прошивки 1.2 RC1)
Некоторые виды точек MW-NAV / MSP НЕ функционируют:
- Удержание позиции по времени
- Установка точки интереса
- Jump
- Установка направления
- Посадка
ezgui and mwp support iNav WP navigation; they both use the mission definition originally implemented in WinGui, thus mission definitions are interchangeable between these application (and mw-nav if you limit the mission features to the common subset).
ezgui and mwp both provide interactive WP editing on a geospatial background and mission upload to / download from the multicopter. At least for mwp (to be confirmed for ezgui), the mission upload process also downloads the mission and compares the two. You should not attempt to fly a mission unless it has validated.
On F1 baords (Naze, Flip32), you can defined 30 waypoints, for F3 and better FCs, 60 waypints can be defined.
Missions are initiated by a switch setting on the RC TX. It can also be aborted at any time turning this switch(NAV WP) off.
A mission is terminated by RTH, infinite position hold or reaching the end of the waypoint list. In the latter case, the vehicle will enter a position hold state until the pilot takes manual control (by negating the TX WP state).
An 'in progress' mission flight may be aborted prior to reaching one of the above end points by:
- Switching out of WP mode; or
- Invoking RTH.
Prior to engaging any automated mode, it is advisable to verify that you have reasonable satellite performance. Even with 10+ satellites and HDOP < 1.5, there is a remote possibility that you might experience 'a bad satellite day'; there's an example described in issue 431. An easy way to verify you have good coverage is to try POSHOLD before executing a mission (or RTH).
3DR radios are sold either as a pair of air station / ground station or individually. Functionally, the air / ground radios are identical, the air side having a tty/serial connection and the ground side having a USB interface for connecting to a computer. For ezgui (and mwp), it is easier to use a Bluetooth bridge. This bridge is also recommended for mwp, as it avoids any potential RF interference from the USB cable and allows the more flexible placement of the ground antenna. In order to use the 3DR / BT bridge, it is necessary to have 'air side' devices at both ends of the link. It is then necessary to 'back-to-back' the ground 3DR and the BT device example field setup and provide power. A voltage regulator and an old lipo works really well. The HR-12 description provides the canonical connection diagram, a 5V regulator or BEC may be used.
The 3DR radios will ship with a version of the Sik Firmware. This firmware is optimised for MAVLink (it understands MAVLink framing, reports RSSI to a MAVLink GCS). There is a fork (of an older version) that provides similar capabilities (understands MSP framing, reports RSSI to a MSP GCS (ezgui, mwp) for MSP.
Prior to use, it is advisable to configure the 3DR radio to meet local regulations for unlicensed use and to optimise the air speed for maximum range. This can be done either through a graphical user interface or a serial terminal interface using tools such as picocom
/ screen
/ putty
. The graphical tool will run on Linux using 'mono'.
For the following discussion, the serial AT command set is used.
- If you use the modified MSP aware firmware, then you can enable MSP framing:
ATS6 = 1
or both MSP framing and MSP radio status reporting:
ATS6 = 2
- You will get better range at lower speeds, it is also good practice to set the air speed and the ground speed to close rates, in order to minimise the probability of serial overruns. Here we set air speed to 24000 baud and ground speed to 19200 baud.
ATS1 = 19
ATS2 = 24
These settings are more than adequate for both MSP and LTM.
- Another useful setting in the MAX_WINDOW (
). If you only intend to MSP (no LTM), then set this to a small value, the minimum is 33; this minimises latency.
ATS15 = 33
- However, if you intend to also use LTM, set this to highest permitted value (131) to maximise throughput:
ATS15 = 131
- As MSP and LTM provide checksums, we can disable some error checking / correction:
ATS5 = 0
- It is necessary to have the same settings on both the air and ground radios for the majority of settings (otherwise the radios will not connect). Repeat the settings using RT rather than AT, then save and reboot both device: do the remote first, e.g.:
RTS15 = 131
ATS15 = 131
If you use Linux and a USB connected ground side (rather than the USB bridge), you can use udev
to set the device name. You will need to use lsusb
to find the serial
parameter for your device. The rule below links the /dev/ttyUSBx
name to /dev/3dr
### /etc/udev/rules.d/66-3dr.rules
# Hextronic radio
KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", ATTRS{serial}=="A7032PAY", SYMLINK+="3dr"
# GLB radio
KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", ATTRS{serial}=="A8005McD", SYMLINK+="3dr"
The ESP8266 devices will usually ship with vendor firmware. Follow the link to SDKs, find the latest ESP8266_NONOS_SDK version. There is a Windows specfic flashing tool, or you can use the portable tool. This firmware is recommended for mwp, as you can use it as a transparent UDP / serial bridge (but you can also use the 3rd party firmware TCP bridge).
For ezgui it is recommended to use 3rd party firmware that provides a a transparent TCP / serial bridge. This firmware may also be used in mwp.
Configuration of the 3rd party TCP bridge is described in the ezgui howto. For mwp, this device would be defined as:
So using the ezgui example verbatim:
For the vendor firmware, UDP connection, configure the device as an Access Point (AP) with your own ESSID and strong passphrase. It is necessary to define both the local and remote UDP ports (14014 in this example). See the latest firmware documentation for an explanation of the AT commands:
AT+CWSAP_DEF="I'mMandyFlyMe","correct horse battery staple",11,4,2,1
Then in mwp, define the connection as (where esp-air is the host name of the air platform device):
It is possible to access the CLI over a WiFi device, and with some socat
tricks, also the configurator, which is highly convenient for tuning in the field.
- Access CLI over the UDP link
nc -p 14014 -u esp-air 14014
- Access CLI over TCP link
nc 23
- Accessing the configurator is a little more complex,
is used to create a pseudo device (pseudo-terminal) linked to the IP connection. The configurator is then connected to the 'Manual Selection' port/tmp/vc0
. - For UDP (esp-air is the ESP8266 on the vehicle, esp-gcs is the computer / WLAN interface host name).
socat pty,link=/tmp/vc0,raw udp-datagram:esp-air:14014,bind=esp-gcs:14014
- For TCP
socat pty,link=/tmp/vc0,raw tcp:
It is necessary to kill the socat process to use telemetry again.
- Начало работы с iNAV
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