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wutname1 edited this page May 12, 2019 · 1 revision

Component stability: Beta

StdUi has 2 Tooltip methods:

Frame Tooltip

StdUi:FrameTooltip(owner, text, tooltipName, anchor, automatic)


Frame tooltip is the simplest implementation of tooltip which doesn't use GameTooltip. Making it really lightweight and still very flexible. It is essentially just a Frame + FontString. Frame has strata set to TOOLTIP.

owner, unlike parent, is only a reference to some other element that is suppose to be tooltip owner. Real parent of this tooltip is always UIParent (world frame).

Unlike GameTooltip, FrameTooltip doesn't clear it's content after hiding.


  • owner - Frame - Object that should be a owner of the tooltip.
  • text - string|function - Text that should be visible or function to create tooltip contents.
  • tooltipName - string - Name of the tooltip (to make it resuable). It is NOT the actual Frame name.
  • anchor - string - anchor of owner to which should be tooltip attached.
  • automatic - bool - if you set this to true, OnEnter/OnLeave events of owner will be hooked to show tooltip. Otherwise you will need to handle showing and hiding tooltip yourself.

Named children:

  • tooltip.text - FontString - string that is used to display text


FrameTooltip has all Frame methods plus:

  • SetText(text, r, g, b) - sets the tooltip text, color r, g, b is optional. Automatically calls RecalculateSize.
  • GetText() - Gets the tooltip text
  • AddLine(text, r, g, b) - Adds a line to tooltip. Color is optional. Unlike GameTooltip this one keeps all text in one string with line breaks.
  • RecalculateSize() - Calculates width and height of string inside tooltip and sets tooltip size accordingly. Warning:
    • It is being called automatically on Show
    • If you provide a function as text in constructor. You need to override this function.



local tooltip = StdUi:FrameTooltip(button, 'Click to change anchor', 'simp_tooltip4', 'TOPRIGHT', true);


StdUi:Tooltip(owner, text, tooltipName, anchor, automatic)


GameTooltip implementation of tooltip. Please keep in mind that this kind tooltips are heavy.
Warning: It actually creates new instance of GameTooltip! Leaving blizzard tooltip intact.

Difference between blizzard GameTooltip and this one are:

  • Anchors works differently. If you set anchor to TOPRIGHT you will see your tooltip attached to top right corner of the owner, not top left corner like blizzard tooltip does.
  • It does have StdUi backdrop.


  • owner - Frame - Object that should be a owner of the tooltip.
  • text - string|function - Text that should be visible or function to create tooltip contents.
  • tooltipName - string - Name of the tooltip. Warning: it IS the real name of the frame, so make sure you use some unique name as it will be in global namespace.
  • anchor - string - anchor of owner to which should be tooltip attached.
  • automatic - bool - if you set this to true, OnEnter/OnLeave events of owner will be hooked to show tooltip. Otherwise you will need to handle showing and hiding tooltip yourself.


Tooltip has all GameTooltip methods and StdUi doesn't add anything on its own.



local tooltip = StdUi:Tooltip(button, 'Simple text in blizzard tooltip', 'simp_tooltip', 'TOPRIGHT', true);


Click to play video:


---@type StdUi
local StdUi = LibStub('StdUi');

local window = StdUi:Window(UIParent, 'Title', 500, 500);

local anchor = 'TOPRIGHT';

local b1 = StdUi:Button(window, 100, 24, 'GameTooltip');
local b2 = StdUi:Button(window, 100, 24, 'FrameTooltip');
local b3 = StdUi:Button(window, 100, 24, 'GameTooltip Spell');

StdUi:GlueTop(b1, window, 0, -40);
StdUi:GlueBelow(b2, b1, 0, -20);
StdUi:GlueBelow(b3, b2, 0, -20);

local t1 = StdUi:Tooltip(b1, 'Simple text in blizzard tooltip', 'simp_tooltip', anchor, true);
local txt = 'Simple text in frame tooltip\n'..
	'This one does support\n'..
	'line breaks\n'..
	'And |c00ff00ffColors|r';
local t2 = StdUi:FrameTooltip(b2, txt, 'simp_tooltip2', anchor, true);

---@param tip GameTooltip
local function makeTip(tip)

local t3 = StdUi:Tooltip(b3, makeTip, 'simp_tooltip3', anchor, true);

local bA = StdUi:Button(window, 140, 24, 'Anchor: ' .. anchor);
StdUi:GlueTop(bA, window, -10, -40, 'RIGHT');
StdUi:FrameTooltip(bA, 'Click to change anchor', 'simp_tooltip4', 'TOPRIGHT', true);
bA:SetScript('OnClick', function(s)
	if     anchor == 'TOP' then         anchor = 'TOPRIGHT';
	elseif anchor == 'BOTTOM' then      anchor = 'BOTTOMLEFT';
	elseif anchor == 'LEFT' then        anchor = 'TOPLEFT';
	elseif anchor == 'RIGHT' then       anchor = 'BOTTOMRIGHT';
	elseif anchor == 'TOPLEFT' then     anchor = 'TOP';
	elseif anchor == 'TOPRIGHT' then    anchor = 'RIGHT';
	elseif anchor == 'BOTTOMLEFT' then  anchor = 'LEFT';
	elseif anchor == 'BOTTOMRIGHT' then anchor = 'BOTTOM';
	else                                anchor = 'CENTER';

	s:SetText('Anchor: ' .. anchor);
	t1.anchor = anchor;
	t2.anchor = anchor;
	t3.anchor = anchor;