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Text Widgets

wutname1 edited this page May 12, 2019 · 1 revision

Component stability: Beta

Text widgets

Documentation of FontString functions that comes in handy when creating lables. You have 2 actual widgets here:

Additionally this component provides a way to add labels to existing Frame:

Font String

StdUi:FontString(parent, text, inherit)


Creates a simple FontString object that has set font, font size, effects according to StdUi configuration. Additionaly it is justified vertically to left and horizontally to middle.


  • parent Frame - Object that should be a parent of font string
  • text string - Text that should be visible
  • inherit FontString - Object that should be used as template



local text = StdUi:FontString(frame, 'Some text');


StdUi:Label(parent, text, size, inherit, width, height)


Creates a simple FontString, but with additional arguments provides one-liner for changing font size, and FontString width/height. It may also inherit from existing fonts. It has color set according to StdUi configuration.


  • parent Frame - Object that should be a parent of font string
  • text string - Text that should be visible
  • size number - Font size
  • inherit FontString - Object that should be used as template
  • width number - Custom width to clip/expand FontString
  • height number - Custom height to clip/expand FontString



local label = StdUi:Label(frame, 'Some text', 14);

Add Label

StdUi:AddLabel(parent, object, text, labelPosition, labelWidth)


Appends label to provided object. Label is then accessible by object.label. This is important because some of the widgets has disabled state. StdUi hooks on Enable and Disable and changes not only the widget itself by also a label.


  • parent Frame - Object that should be a parent of font string
  • object Frame - Object that is related to (it creates named children object.label)
  • text string - Text that should be visible
  • labelPosition string - Can be one of
    • 'TOP' - Label will be placed above the object
    • 'LEFT' - Label will be placed before the object
    • 'RIGHT' - Label will be placed after the object
  • labelWidth number (Optional) - custom font string width



local editBox = StdUi:EditBox(window, 100, 24);
local label = StdUi:AddLabel(window, editBox, 'EditBox Label', 'TOP');


---@type StdUi
local StdUi = LibStub('StdUi');

local window = StdUi:Window(UIParent, 'Title', 400, 400);

local fs = StdUi:FontString(window, 'Simple FontString');
StdUi:GlueTop(fs, window, 0, -40);

local l = StdUi:Label(window, 'Long Label, Long Label, Long Label, Long Label', 20, nil, 160);
StdUi:GlueBelow(l, fs, 0, -10);

local eb1 = StdUi:SimpleEditBox(window, 100, 24);
StdUi:AddLabel(window, eb1, 'Simple Label', 'TOP');

local eb2 = StdUi:SimpleEditBox(window, 100, 24);
StdUi:GlueBelow(eb2, eb1, 0, -30);
StdUi:AddLabel(window, eb2, 'Simple Disabled', 'TOP');
