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Texture Methods

wutname1 edited this page May 12, 2019 · 1 revision

Textures objects has following methods:

Texture methods:

  • GetBlendMode() - Return the blend mode set by SetBlendMode()
  • GetTexCoord() - Gets the 8 texture coordinates that map to the Texture's corners.
  • GetTexture() - Gets this texture's current texture path.
  • GetVertexColor() - Gets the vertex color for the Texture.
  • IsDesaturated() - Gets the desaturation state of this Texture.
  • SetBlendMode('mode') - Set the alphaMode of the texture.
  • SetDesaturated(flag) - If should be displayed with no saturation. has a return value.
  • SetGradient('orientation', minR, minG, minB, maxR, maxG, maxB)
  • SetGradientAlpha('orientation', minR, minG, minB, minA, maxR, maxG, maxB, maxA)
  • SetRotation(angle, [,cx, cy]) - Shorthand for the appropriate 8 argument SetTexCoord rotation (in C++ so it's fast)
  • SetTexCoord(minX, maxX, minY, maxY or ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy) - Set the corner coordinates for texture display.
  • SetTexture('texturePath' or r, g, b[, a]) - Sets the texture to be displayed from a file or to a solid color.

Inherited from Region:

  • ClearAllPoints() - Clear all attachment points for this object.
  • CreateAnimationGroup(['name'[,'inheritsFrom']]) - Create and return a new AnimationGroup as a child of this Region.
  • GetAnimationGroups() - Returns all AnimationGroups that are children of this Region.
  • GetBottom() - Get the y location of the bottom edge of this frame.
  • GetCenter() - Get the coordinates of the center of this frame.
  • GetHeight() - Get the height of this object.
  • GetLeft() - Get the x location of the left edge of this frame.
  • GetNumPoints() - Get the number of anchor points for this frame.
  • GetPoint(pointNum) - Get details for an anchor point for this frame (point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xofs, yofs)
  • GetRect() - Get frame's left, bottom, width, height.
  • GetRight() - Get the x location of the right edge of this frame.
  • GetSize() - Get the width and height of the frame
  • GetTop() - Get the y location of the top edge of this frame.
  • GetWidth() - Get the width of this object.
  • Hide() - Set this object to hidden (it and all of its children will disappear).
  • IsDragging() - True if this Region or its Parent is being dragged.
  • IsProtected() - Determine if this object can be manipulated in certain ways by tainted code in combat or not
  • IsShown() - Determine if this object is shown (would be visible if its parent was visible).
  • IsVisible() - Get whether the object is visible on screen (logically (IsShown() and GetParent():IsVisible()));
  • SetAllPoints(frame or 'frameName') - Set all anchors to match edges of specified frame.
  • SetHeight(height) - Set the height of the object.
  • SetParent(parent or 'parentName') - Set the parent for this frame.
  • SetPoint('point','relativeFrame' or relativeObject,'relativePoint'[, xOfs, yOfs]) - Set an attachment point of this object.
  • SetSize(width, height) - Set the region's width and height
  • SetWidth(width) - Set the width of the object.
  • Show() - Set this object to shown (it will appear if its parent is visible).
  • StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations on the Region and its children.

Inherited from LayeredRegion:

  • GetDrawLayer() - Returns the draw layer for the Region
  • SetDrawLayer('layer') - Sets the draw layer for the Region
  • SetVertexColor(r, g, b[, alpha])

Inherited from UIObject:

  • GetAlpha() - Return this object's alpha (transparency) value.
  • GetName() - Return the name of the object.
  • GetObjectType() - Get the type of this object.
  • IsForbidden() - Return bool indicating is secure widget instance.
  • IsObjectType('type') - Determine if this object is of the specified type, or a subclass of that type.
  • SetAlpha(alpha) - Set the object's alpha (transparency) value.