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Yu Morishita edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 4 revisions

2.5. For COMET Users on CEMS/JASMIN

For COMET users who are working on CEMS/JASMIN and using licsar_framebatch.

Python3 environment

You don't need install python3 and required modules. Just activate condalics by

module load licsar_framebatch
source /gws/smf/j04/nceo_geohazards/software/condalics/load_condalics.rc

Skip Step 0-1

Use your results of licsar_framebatch

You don't have to download a bunch of GeoTIFF files at Step 0-1 because they exist in your licsar_framebatch processing directory (after

First, to update a baselines file published on COMET-LiCS web portal, run

in you frame directory.

Then just start from Step 0-2 at your frame directory. Step 0-2 will use GeoTIFF data in GEOC directory and automatically download only *geo.[ENU].tif and baselines from the COMET-LiCS web portal.

Use published data on COMET-LiCS web

If you would like to use already published data on COMET-LiCS web, you can skip step 01 because they are on CEMS/JASMIN and you can directly access them.

To prepare the GeoTIFF and other files at your working directory,

TRACK="$(echo $FRAME | cut -c1-3 | bc)"
mkdir GEOC
# For old structure (till Mar 2020?)
ln -sf $FRAMEdir/products/20* ./
ln -sf $(ls $FRAMEdir/products/epochs/20*/*.geo.mli.tif | head -1) ./${FRAME}.geo.mli.tif 

# For new structure (after Mar 2020?)
ln -sf $FRAMEdir/interferograms/20* ./  # New structure
ln -sf $(ls $FRAMEdir/epochs/20*/*.geo.mli.tif | head -1) ./${FRAME}.geo.mli.tif 

cp $FRAMEdir/metadata/*geo.[ENU].tif ./
cp $FRAMEdir/metadata/*geo.hgt.tif ./
cp $FRAMEdir/metadata/baselines ./

Batch Processing

You may run the whole LiCSBAS procedure in JASMIN using LiCSAR command: $FRAME

with an optional reunwrapping procedure of multilooked data (Lazecky et al., IGARSS 2021), for example towards 1x1 km resolution: -M 10 $FRAME