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Yu Morishita edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 10 revisions

2. Running LiCSBAS & Quick Start

Quick Start

Make a working directory with the frame ID of interest and move, e.g.,

mkdir 124D_04854_171313
cd 124D_04854_171313

Copy the batch script:

then edit the copied , e.g., for Campi Flegrei from September 2016 to May 2018:

do05op_clip="y"       # y/n
p05_clip_range_geo="14.03/14.22/40.78/40.90"  # e.g. 130.11/131.12/34.34/34.6 (in deg)
p01_start_date="20160909"     # default: 20141001
p01_end_date="20180508"       # default: today

Run the batch script:


then all steps from 0-1 (downloading GeoTIFF files) to 1-6 (time series analysis) will run, and GEOC, GEOCml1, GEOCml1clip, TS_GEOCml1clip and log directories (~26 GB in total) will be created.

You can display the derived time series and velocity: -i TS_GEOCml1clip/cum_filt.h5 &

To improve the result, edit parameters in and re-run it.


Details can be found in the following pages.

  1. Identify Frame ID
  2. Steps 0-1 to 0-5: Prepare Stack of UNW Data
  3. Steps 1-1 to 1-6: Time Series Processing
  4. Batch Processing
  5. For COMET Users