This program computes eigenvalues of a transition rates matrix corresponding to a Markov chain model and saves them into the files.
: grid of membrane voltageevals_INa_LAPACK.dat
: eigenvaluesleft_evecs_INa_LAPACK.dat
: left eigenvector matrixright_evecs_INa_LAPACK.dat
: right eigenvector matrix
Those files can be then used for the exponential integration from a cellular model of the Markov Chain matrix using Matrix Rush-Larsen method.
This program requires C compiler and LAPACK with the LAPACKe API for C.
Optionally Make for a simple
compilation by make
The program is compiled by a command
gcc -Wall -I/usr/include/lapacke/ -llapacke -llapack -lm inaEigenLAPACK -o inaEigenLAPACK
Run the program by a command: ./inaEigenLAPACK
which creates files
in the same directory where it is run. You can refer to those files
from the cellular model.
Free software under GNU GPLv3.