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Halfwake edited this page Dec 14, 2012 · 30 revisions

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This page lists the requirements for creating a MonoGame project. These steps were created while installing on a Windows 7 machine so they may differ if you are using a different OS.

Download and install

  1. Install Mono:
    1. Click the "Download" link
    2. Select your operating system under "Long-term Supported Version"
    3. Select the specific download. On Windows, select "Mono for Windows, Gtk#, and XSP"
  2. Install OpenTK:
  3. Install MonoDevelop 2.8+:
    1. The website for MonoDevelop will mention that you need GTK. If you installed Mono, you will have GTK
    2. If you are installing the Windows binary confirm that you have .NET 4.0 and GTK# for .NET 2.12.10 mentioned here:
  4. Install msysgit (this must be done before installing TortoiseGit on Windows):
    1. You will want to download the "Net installer" or "Full installer" for msysgit. For example, "msysGit-fullinstall-1.7.4-preview20110204.exe"
  5. Install TortoiseGit:

Prepare TortoiseGit

  1. Right-click on the desktop or any explorer window and select "TortoiseGit->Settings"
  2. You may get a popup that says "MSysGit( have not installed Correctly...". If so, click "Yes". The popup may say "MSysGit ( not found". If so, click "Set MSysGit path".
  3. Verify the "General" category is selected
  4. Browse to find the "Git.exe Path:". It should be in C:\msysgit\bin. If you don't see this folder, see the steps above to install MSysGit. If you repeat the steps above to open the Settings dialog from the desktop or an explorer window, you should no longer see the popup.

Cloning MonoGame

The next step is to "Clone" MonoGame. If you've used Subversion before (or TortoiseSVN) then this is similar to doing a "SVN Checkout"

  1. Create an empty folder
  2. Right-click on the folder
  3. Select "Git Clone..."
  4. Enter the URL from the front page, which should be
  5. Fill the check mark box next to "Recursive"
  6. Leave every thing else as-is in the "Git clone" dialog that appears
The MonoGame source will begin to download to your computer.


Now that you have cloned MonoGame, you can open the MonoGame.Framework.Windows.sln in MonoDevelop. You may find that you cannot Build because OpenTK could not be found. To rectify:

  1. Click "Project" -> "Edit References"
  2. Click the tab ".Net Assembly"
  3. Find OpenTK.dll (Likely in "OpenTK/1.0/Binaries/OpenTK/Release/OpenTK.dll")
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