This project is based on and was originally created by Ulf Lilleengen.
This is a broker quota plugin for Apache Kafka® to allow setting a per-broker limits statically in the broker configuration.
The default quota plugin in Apache Kafka will hand out a unique quota per client. This plugin will configure a total quota independent of the number of clients. For example, if you have configured a produce quota of 40 MB/second, and you have 10 producers running as fast as possible, they will be limited by 4 MB/second each.
The quota distribution across clients is not static. If you have a max of 40 MB/second, 2 producers, and one of them is producing messages at 10 MB/second, the second producer will be throttled at 30 MB/second.
When using the Strimzi Quotas plugin with Strimzi-based Apache Kafka clusters, please follow the Strimzi documentation to configure the plugin.
The Quota plugin can be also used with non-Strimzi Apache Kafka clusters.
You have to add the plugin JAR file to the Apache Kafka broker class path for example by copying it to the libs/
Configure Apache Kafka brokers to load the plugin and configure it in the broker properties file:
# Enable the Quota plugin
# The quota is given in bytes, and will translate to bytes/sec in total for your clients
# In this example configuration the produce and fetch quota is set to 1MB/s
client.quota.callback.static.kafka.admin.bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 # required if storage.check-interval is >0
client.quota.callback.static.kafka.admin.ssl.truststore.location=/tmp/trust.jks # optionally configure the admin client further
# Storage quota settings in bytes. Clients will be throttled to 0 when any volume in the cluster has <= 5GB available bytes
# Check storage usage every 5 seconds
# By default set to 60 seconds
# Optional list of principals not to be subjected to the quota;User:principal2
Property | Type | Default | Description |
client.quota.callback.static.produce | Double | 1.7976931348623157e+308 | Produce bandwidth rate quota (in bytes) |
client.quota.callback.static.fetch | Double | 1.7976931348623157e+308 | Consume bandwidth rate quota (in bytes) |
client.quota.callback.static.request | Double | 1.7976931348623157e+308 | Request processing time quota (in seconds) | | String | "" | Semicolon-separated list of principals excluded from the quota. Each principal has to be prefixed with User: . | | Integer | 60 | Interval between storage check runs (in seconds, a value of 0 means disabled) | | Long | None | Stop message production if availableBytes <= this value. Mutually exclusive with . | | Double | None | Stop message production if availableBytes / capacityBytes <= this value. Mutually exclusive with . |
client.quota.callback.static.throttle.factor.fallback | Double | 1.0 | Fallback throttle factor to apply, in the range 0..1 if current factor expires. Applied by multiplying the factor against client.quota.callback.static.produce thus 0.0 effectively blocks producers. |
client.quota.callback.static.throttle.factor.validity.duration | String | PT5M | How long a throttle factor derived from a successful observation of the cluster should be applied (iso8601 duration) |
client.quota.callback.static.kafka.admin.bootstrap.servers | String | None | Bootstrap servers of Kafka cluster. This property is required, otherwise the Kafka broker will fail to start. |
All configuration properties starting with client.quota.callback.static.kafka.admin.
prefix will be passed to the Kafka Admin client configuration.
The plugin currently provides the following metrics:
shows the currently configured produce quotaio.strimzi.kafka.quotas:type=StaticQuotaCallback,name=Fetch
shows the currently configured fetch quotaio.strimzi.kafka.quotas:type=StaticQuotaCallback,name=Request
shows the currently configured request quota
NOTE: Only one quota plugin can be used in Kafka. Enabling this plugin, the built-in Kafka quotas plugin will be automatically disabled. This means that you won't see per-client quota metrics, but only aggregated quota metrics.
Name | Metric Type | Meaning | Type | Tags |
ThrottleFactor | Gauge | The current factor applied by the plug-in [0..1] | ThrottleFactor | observingBrokerId |
FallbackThrottleFactorApplied | Counter | The number of times the plug-in has transitioned to using the fall back factor | ThrottleFactor | observingBrokerId |
LimitViolated | Counter | A count of the number logDir s which violate the configured limit |
ThrottleFactor | observingBrokerId |
ActiveBrokers | Gauge | The current number of brokers returned by the describeCluster rpc | VolumeSource | observingBrokerId |
ActiveLogDirs | Gauge | The number of logDirs returned by the describeLogDirs RPC | VolumeSource | observingBrokerId |
AvailableBytes | Gauge | The number of available bytes returned by the describeLogDirs RPC | VolumeSource | [observingBrokerId, remoteBrokerId, logDir] |
ConsumedBytes | Gauge | The number of consumed bytes returned by the describeLogDirs RPC | VolumeSource | [observingBrokerId, remoteBrokerId, logDir] |
CachedEntries | Gauge | The number of logDirs currently cached by the plug-in | CachingVolumeObserver | observingBrokerId |
LogDirEvictions | Counter | The number of times each remoteBroker.logDir has been removed from the cache. | CachingVolumeObserver | [observingBrokerId, remoteBrokerId, logDir] |
Tag | Definition |
observingBrokerId | The BrokerId of the broker node executing the plug-in |
remoteBrokerId | The BrokerId of the broker node hosting the logDir |
logDir | The path to the specific logDir as returned by the describeLogDirs RPC |
To build the plugin:
mvn package
Copy the resulting jar in target/kafka-quotas-plugin.jar
into the Kafka classpath.
Alternatively, you can publish to your local maven repository with:
mvn install
Run it locally (make sure your enables the reporter):
CLASSPATH=/path/to/target/kafka-quotas-plugin.jar ./bin/