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Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P2Ch02c_Equalizer.lhs
Note about representing equalizer in Haskell.
This is not going to end well. The goal is to see how far I can go with it before it breaks.
The exercise is to try to follow
Ch 3. Limit and Colimits.
using Equalizer and Haskell code.
, DataKinds
, KindSignatures
, FlexibleInstances
, PolyKinds
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, Rank2Types
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module CTNotes.P2Ch02c_Equalizer where
import Control.Category
import Prelude(undefined, ($))
import Data.Functor.Const (Const(..))
import CTNotes.P1Ch07b_Functors_AcrossCats (CFunctor, cmap)
This approach is constructed in a way similar to N_P1Ch03b_FiniteCats.
data Object = A | B
data HomSet (a :: Object) (b :: Object) where
MorphId :: HomSet a a -- polymorphic data constructor (in a)
MorphAB1 :: HomSet 'A 'B
MorphAB2 :: HomSet 'A 'B
compose :: HomSet b c -> HomSet a b -> HomSet a c
compose MorphId mab = mab
compose mbc MorphId = mbc
Cool! GHC knows that this pattern match is exhaustive. I love it!
A => B Category is Haskell category
Similarly to N_P1Ch03b_FiniteCats I get:
instance Category HomSet where
id = MorphId
(.) = compose
I am using imported definition of CFunctor
from N_P1Ch07b_Functors_AcrossCats
(similar to category-extras
package). Here it is for reference:
class (Category r, Category s) => CFunctor f r s where
cmap :: r a b -> s (f a) (f b)
Const functor
N_P1Ch07b_Functors_AcrossCats provided instance of imported
) that works polymorphically for any source Category
Here is a proof that it works here (this compiles):
test :: Const a (x :: Object) -> Const a (x :: Object)
test = cmap MorphId
Embedding functor ('D' functor)
To create a functor from A => B
to Hask I simply need to pick
2 fixed types a
and b
, and two functions a -> b
data PickType a b (o :: Object) where
First :: a -> PickType a b 'A
Second :: b -> PickType a b 'B
getFirst :: PickType a b 'A -> a
getFirst (First x) = x
Note, getFirst
patter match is exhaustive.
data PickFun a b (o :: Object) = Pick {
f1:: a -> b
, f2:: a -> b
, value:: PickType a b o
PickFun a b
is the 'D' functor:
applyF1 :: PickFun a b 'A -> PickFun a b 'B
applyF1 x = let v = (f1 x) ((getFirst . value $ x)) in x { value = Second v }
applyF2 :: PickFun a b 'A -> PickFun a b 'B
applyF2 x = let v = (f2 x) ((getFirst . value $ x)) in x { value = Second v }
instance CFunctor (PickFun a b) HomSet (->) where
cmap MorphId = \x -> x
cmap MorphAB1 = applyF1
cmap MorphAB2 = applyF2
(Some ugly non-lens code indeed.)
We have Const
and D
functors needed in the construction of the cone.
Given two (fixed) functions fn1 :: a -> b
, fn2: a -> b
, cone is simply two functions from c
to either end of a -> b
type Cone a b c = (c -> a, c -> b)
Naive steal from N_P2Ch02a_LimitsColimitsExtras suggests to define
natural transformation between Const c
and PickFun a b
-- Not what I want
type NatTran0 a b c = forall (x :: Object). Const c x -> PickFun a b x
this type contains polymorphic functions that do not depend on x :: Object
Instead, I want a product type one that knows which x
is used
(using a poor man's singleton approach)
data Sing (a:: Object) where
IsA :: Sing 'A
IsB :: Sing 'B
type NatTran a b c = forall (x::Object). Sing x -> Const c x -> PickFun a b x
At this point I ignore the naturality condition.
We know from the book that cones and natural transformations are isomorphic.
Here is how this plays out in this special case (showing only one iso):
iso1 :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Cone a b c -> NatTran a b c
iso1 fn1 fn2 (c1, c2) IsA = \cx -> Pick fn1 fn2 ((First . c1 . getConst) cx)
iso1 fn1 fn2 (c1, c2) IsB = \cx -> Pick fn1 fn2 ((Second . c2 . getConst) cx)
(Read this as: given 2 fixed functions f1
, f2
we can establish iso from Cone
to NatTran
Type checking the code we just know that arrows point at correct objects. We do not know if the cone diagrams actually commute
fn1 . c1 = fn2 . c1 = c2
(or that the naturality condition is satisfied - which should be the same thing) this would have to be a proof obligation left to the programmer and that obligation is the pudding.
It was clear from the beginning that this journey is hopeless.
Even if Haskell provided ability for me to supply proof that diagrams commute,
finding the limit would be next step where, again, I would have no clue how to proceed.
With Hask -> Hask
endofunctors limit is 'guessed' and constructed using
universal quantification. There is a higher rank type that does the trick.
It does not seem to be a good uniform guess like this here.
I read that an equalizer problem called 'Post Correspondence Problem' is undecidable. It is about checking if equalizer of 2 group homomorphisms is not empty.
Computing equalizers seems to be related to finding if 2 functions are equivalent and this is undecidable as well.