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rpeszek edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 8 revisions

Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P1Ch03a_NatsCat.lhs

Note about CTFP Part 1 Chapter 3. Examples of categories. Natural numbers.

This note shows how represent the following natural number based categories in Haskell:

  Objects: 0 (initial), 1, 2, 3, ...  
  Morphisms: (+0) (id), (+1), (+2), (+3), ... 


  Objects: 0 (terminal), 1 (initial), 2, 3, ...  
  Morphisms: (*0), (*1) (id), (*2), (*3), ... 

Interestingly, these categories can be implemented as instances of Control.Category Category class. This was not know to me until very recently. Category class is kind polymorphic and works with kinds other than *. This note uses some dependently typed features available in Haskell.

CTFP Ch 3 defines monoid as a single object category so this note is a bit different.

 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds
  , KindSignatures
  , TypeOperators
  , FlexibleInstances 
  , PolyKinds 

 module CTNotes.P1Ch03a_NatsCat where 
 import GHC.TypeLits
 import Data.Proxy
 import Control.Category 
 import qualified GHC.Base as B (id,(.))
 import Prelude(Integer, (+), ($), (*))

In this construction Objects are types of kind Nat and morphism have type NatHomSet. DataKinds pragma allows me to easily define type level enumerations as well as to restrict morphism to the kind I want.

 data NatCatType = NatPlus | NatMultiply
 data NatHomSet (t:: NatCatType) (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) = NatHomSet { morph :: Integer -> Integer }

NatHomSet type defines hom-set for both categories. Both categories are thin (have at most one morphism between any two objects) and this is reflected by having a simple one element record type. NatHomSet hom-set representation tries to be reusable by representing single morphism directly as Integer -> Integer function.

NatPlus category

 defNatPlusMorph :: KnownNat m => Proxy m -> NatHomSet 'NatPlus n (n + m)
 defNatPlusMorph proxy = NatHomSet ( (+) (natVal proxy))
 add0 = defNatPlusMorph (Proxy :: Proxy 0)
 add2 = defNatPlusMorph (Proxy :: Proxy 2)
 add2Test = morph add2

here is the ghci output:

ghci> :t add2 
add2 :: NatHomSet 'NatPlus n (n + 2)

ghci> add2Test 3

(I have simplified the GHC output a bit, GHC printed GHC.TypeLits.+ 2 instead of 2)

Composition is polymorphic in t (will work for both NatPlus and NatMultiply case):

 compNatHomSet :: NatHomSet t b c -> NatHomSet t a b -> NatHomSet t a c
 compNatHomSet m1 m2 = NatHomSet (morph m1 B.. morph m2)
 add4 = add2 `compNatHomSet` add2
 add4Test = morph add4

ghci output shows that GHC infers types nicely:

ghci> :t add4
add4 :: NatHomSet 'NatPlus a ((a + 2) + 2)
ghci> add4Test 3

Here is the definition of Category quoted from base package Control.Category module:

class Category cat where
       id :: cat a a
       (.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
instance Category (->) where ...  

PolyKinds pragma causes Category to infer most general kind on cat which is k -> k -> * so Category class automatically infers Nat -> Nat -> * for me
(Note NatHomSet has kind NatHomSet :: NatCatType -> Nat -> Nat -> *):

 instance Category (NatHomSet 'NatPlus) where
    id = add0
    (.) = compNatHomSet

Here is example of polymorphic use of (.):

 add4' =  add2 . add2 

ghci output:

ghci> :t add4`
add4' :: NatHomSet 'NatPlus a ((a + 2) + 2)

ghci> morph add4` $ 3

Small note: this does not compile, GHC does not allow me to supply theorems

add4'' :: NatHomSet 'NatPlus a (a + 4)
add4'' =  add2 . add2 

NatMultiply case

 defMultiplyMorph :: KnownNat m => Proxy m -> NatHomSet 'NatMultiply n (n * m)
 defMultiplyMorph proxy = NatHomSet ( (*) (natVal proxy))

 mul1 = defMultiplyMorph (Proxy :: Proxy 1)

 instance Category (NatHomSet 'NatMultiply) where
     id = mul1
     (.) = compNatHomSet

 mult4' = defMultiplyMorph (Proxy :: Proxy 2) . defMultiplyMorph (Proxy :: Proxy 2)

ghci output:

ghci> morph mult4' $ 2
