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rpeszek edited this page Dec 9, 2017 · 4 revisions

Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P1Ch08b_BiFunctorComposition.lhs

Work in progress

 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
 module CTNotes.P1Ch08b_BiFunctorComposition where
 import CTNotes.P1Ch08a_BiFunctorAsFunctor (Bifunctor, bimap)

Directly from the book

 newtype BiComp bf fu gu a b = BiComp (bf (fu a) (gu b))
 instance (Bifunctor bf, Functor fu, Functor gu) =>
   Bifunctor (BiComp bf fu gu) where
     bimap f1 f2 (BiComp x) = BiComp ((bimap (fmap f1) (fmap f2)) x)

Comp2 is a convenient type that subsumes binary operators on functors such as Data.Functor.Product and Data.Functor.Sum in the base package. Comp2 is a nominally typed version of (equivalent to):

type Comp2 bf fu gu a = BiComp bf fu gu a a
 newtype Comp2 bf fu gu a = Comp2 { runComp2 :: bf (fu a) (gu a) }

 instance (Bifunctor bf, Functor fu, Functor gu) => Functor (Comp2 bf fu gu) where
   fmap f (Comp2 x) = Comp2 ((bimap (fmap f) (fmap f)) x)

 type Product f g a = Comp2 (,) f g a
 type Sum f g a = Comp2 Either f g a
 type (f :*: g) a  = Product f g a 
 type (f :+: g) a  = Sum f g a 
          Δ                   fu, gu                  bf
Hask   ----->   Hask x Hask  -------->  Hask x Hask ----->  Hask 
 a                a x a               (fu a) x (gu a)       bf (fu a) (gu a)

I need these in other notes.