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Analyzers: [TEMPLATE]

adavydenko edited this page May 5, 2016 · 1 revision
* Use the following pattern to name your article: <Analyzers: [Name of analyzer]>
* Fill in the parts that are relevant. Not all sections are going to apply to every component.
* Fill free to add more sections/rename existing if you need (and don't forget to populate TOC).
* Remove this block from your article.

@@TODO: provide some example.




Put any relevant summary. Several blah-blah sentences, why we decided to implement it.


If there is a strong (=mathemetical) definition, definitely it's wortj mentioning it here.


Talk about what you're building why you're building it

Сценарии использования

There could be both technical and business use cases.

  • When you talk about business application, Imagine and try to explain how end user will use this analyzer.
  • When you describe technical part, talk about one or more applications that use this (or a very similar) component. Case studies would usually include something novel or noteworthy that will inform the design. For example, you may reference custom data X which contain 10,000,000 datapoints and this component should calculate ranges between each of the point and thus have extremely high performance needs. Don't go overboard with different cases.

When you describe different case studies, separate them into nested headers.


Describe what are the input arguments for your component. If you need some complex structures, then it is a good place to describe them.


What is the result of the given analyzer: value, array of doubles, custom structures, etc...


  • Talk about behaviors that the component must have
  • Talk about any performance constraints
  • Talk about how the component should interact must behave itself WRT other components / the rest of the app.
  • Talk about how the results should be rendered on the screen


This is the main content of your design doc. Talk about that you're actually to implement. Description should not be so detailed as to include large swaths of code, but should give the reader a good understanding of what you're going to code. Include examples.

Литература, ссылки

Provide links to relevant materials, guides, etc.
If you don't have a URL, then just put the bibliographic name. Let's keep the references for further readings :)


  1. Project structure
  2. Heroku
  3. Coding Guidelines

Вычисляемые статистики




Выбор базы данных

Angular 2

Источники данных


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  2. [Charts comparison](displaying graphs control)
  3. What is Servlet?
  4. Ace-editor


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  2. Сборка CoreArray
  3. Сравнение скоростей способов доступа к CoreArray
  4. Переделка Gdsfmt под java
  5. Разбор структуры файла из центра биоинформатики

Институт биоинформатики


  1. Классические категориальные тесты на независимость
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