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tenzap edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 8 revisions

Note: This is a plugin, you need to install it before use.

The REST API takes these parameters.

  • phoneNumber (mandatory) : the recipient phone number in international format
  • message (mandatory) : your text message
  • SenderID (optional)

The fields have to be correctly URL-encoded. For example, the plus sign + must be replaced by %2B (otherwise + is interpreted as a space character). Space character would have to be %20.

URL for +123456, would be:


If you want to set a SenderID, add this additional parameter to the URL : &SenderID=

You can test this either by entering this URL in your browser, or by using curl this way:

curl "http://kalkun-url/index.php/plugin/rest_api/send_sms?phoneNumber=%2B123456&message=test%20message"


It is possible to configure various elements of the REST Api plugin. Set the configuration in application/plugins/rest_api/config/rest.php

If the plugin is configured to use the database - which is the case if you use any of rest_enable_keys, rest_enable_logging, rest_enable_access or rest_enable_limits - be sure to:

  • set rest_database_group to a value available in application/config/database.php. For example if you store everything in the same database, it is likely you have to set it to the same value as the one of $active_group in application/config/database.php which by default is kalkun_mysql.
  • create the tables in the database referenced by that rest_database_group. The SQL queries to create the tables are available in application/plugins/rest_api/config/rest.php.
  • in case you choose custom names for the tables, update the value of the *_table fields as well.

How to enable/disable it?

This is a plugin:

  • To enable, install the plugin in Kalkun
  • To disable, uninstall the plugin in Kalkun
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