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tenzap edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 1 revision

Starting from 0.2 version, Kalkun now supports multiuser, it means Kalkun can handle multiple logged in users at a time. Every user has its own session.

Every user has its own folder (inbox, outbox, sentitems, spam), custom folders, phonebook, settings...

How does a user get messages to his/her inbox?

Yes, because you have only one identifier, a.k.a your phone/modem number, there must be someway to route the message to a specific user inbox, and not all users. The answer is by including @username on your message body.

For example: If your username in kalkun is john, then you must tell all people that want to send you sms to include @john in the body of the SMS.

Example SMS:

Hi @john, how are you?

then, this sms will be routed to the inblox of john.

What if no @username matches?

If no @username matches on the system, the message will be routed to Inbox Master, default value is '1', which means the first user ID on the system created by Kalkun, usually it is the kalkun user. You can change this in the configuration file at this line:

$config['inbox_owner_id'] = array('1');

Note: you can't delete Inbox Master user, if you want to delete it, you must assign Inbox Master to somebody else, then delete it.

Inbox Routing based on phonebook

If no @username is found in the incoming message, then Kalkun will check origin phonenumber on all user phonebook. Please note that every user with the same sender number on phonebook will get the message.

Note: this feature is disabled by default, you have to enabled it in the configuration file at these lines:

$config['inbox_routing_use_phonebook'] = FALSE;


Option inbox_routing_user_phonenumber to describe.

Note: this feature is disabled by default, you have to enabled it in the configuration file at these lines:

$config['inbox_routing_user_phonenumber'] = FALSE;
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