Octopus-Max-EZ-IDEX-2 in 1 Out
I am new to Klipper, Please help me to configure for 2 in 1 out hotends in IDEX Mode
Board Respository : https://github.com/bigtreetech/Octopus-Max-EZ
Board url : https://biqu.equipment/collections/control-board/products/bigtreetech-btt-octopusmax-ez-for-3d-printer
Reference for 4 extruders in IDEX : https://github.com/DrumClock/my_config
My drivers are X1 = EZ5160, X2 = EZ5160, Y1 = EZ5160, Y2 = EZ5160, Z1 = EZ5160, Z2 = EZ5160
and exttruders drivers are E0 = EZ2209, E1 = EZ2209, E2 = EZ2209, E3 = EZ2209
Bed size 550 (X) x 550 (Y) x 500 (Z)
My endstops are X-Minimum = NPN Probe with Normally Open (NO)
X-Maximum = NPN Probe with Normally Open (NO)
Y-Minimum = NPN Probe with Normally Closed (NC)
Z-Minimum = CR Touch
I am using all axis as Lead Screws, no belt drive One Rotaion travel distance = 12 mm (all axis), steps per unitt in Marlin = 533.33 (for 32 microsteps) All my extruders are Dual gear Exruders Steps per unit in Marlin = 322.12 (for 32 microsteps)