Implementing the GNCN-PDH model from Some of the definitions don't quite match the paper, but they do match the ngc-learn code and documentation.
There's three types of nodes:
- Latent state neurons
$z^1, \ldots, z^L$ (also$z^0$ is a special neuron that is always clamped to an input example) - Stateless prediction neurons
$\mu^0, \ldots, \mu^{L-1}$ - Stateless error neurons
$e^0, \ldots, e^{L-1}$
Each prediction
$W^1, \ldots, W^L$ are learnable, top-down "forward/generative" weight matrices -
$\phi^\ell$ is the activation function for layer$\ell = 1, \ldots, L$ - in the MNIST implementation,
$\phi^\ell = \text{ReLU}$ for layers$\ell = 1, \ldots, L$ , and$\phi^0 = \text{identity}$
- in the MNIST implementation,
$g^\ell$ is the activation function for$\mu^\ell$ - in the MNIST implementation,
$g^\ell = \text{ReLU}$ for$\ell = 1, \ldots, L-1$ , and$g^0 = \text{sigmoid}$
- in the MNIST implementation,
$\alpha_m = 0 \text{ or } 1$ is a binary parameter that determines whether "skip connections" are used for top-down predictions- when
$\alpha_m = 1$ , the model is called GNCN-PDH (short for GNCN-t2-LΣ-PDH. "PDH" = "Partially Decomposable Hierarchy"). When$\alpha_m = 0$ , they call it GNCN-t2-LΣ
- when
$M^2, \ldots, M^L$ are learnable weight matrices used when$\alpha_m = 1$
The connectivity diagram for GNCN-PDH is shown below. Dotted lines represent a simple copy, while solid lines indicate a transformation by weight matrix. The weight matrix connections are also normalized to magnitude 1 after each update.
The error at each layer is
While the local loss at layer
(that's supposed to be a norm, but GitHub's LaTeX support is broken). Thus the network seeks to minimize the total discrepancy
However, unlike with backprop-based schemes, in NGC, learning at each layer aims to minimize a local loss function, rather than a global one.
Inference (iterative latent state update): pseudocode:
- Infer(
$x$ ):$z^0 \leftarrow x$ -
$\forall \ell = 1, \ldots, L-1$ :$z^\ell \leftarrow 0$ - repeat
$K$ times:- for
$\ell = 0, \ldots, L-1$ :$\mu^\ell \leftarrow g^\ell[W^{\ell+1} \phi^{\ell+1}(z^{\ell+1}) + \alpha_m (M^{\ell+2} \phi^{\ell+2}(z^{\ell+2}))]$ $e^\ell \leftarrow z^\ell - \mu^\ell$
- for
$\ell = 1, \ldots, L$ :$d^\ell \leftarrow E^\ell e^{\ell - 1} - e^\ell$ $z^\ell \leftarrow z^\ell + \beta (- \gamma z^\ell + d^\ell - V^\ell z^\ell)$
- for
$E^\ell$ is a learnable, bottom-up weight matrix for errors -
$V^\ell$ is a non-learnable (recurrent) lateral inhibition / self-excitation weight matrix -
$\gamma$ is a leak coefficient that decays the latent state-
$\gamma = 0.001$ in the MNIST implementation
$\beta$ is a learning rate-like hyperparameter for the iterative inference updates-
$\beta = 0.1$ in the MNIST implementation - not the same as the actual learning rate for the weight updates, which is separate. see below
Weight update pseudogradients are calculated
These are used by the optimizer (Adam in this case) to update the weights. lr = 0.001
is used.
- generative sampling
- other datasets (FMNIST, KMNIST, etc.)