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Neural Generative Coding (NGC)

Implementing the GNCN-PDH model from Some of the definitions don't quite match the paper, but they do match the ngc-learn code and documentation.

There's three types of nodes:

  • Latent state neurons $z^1, \ldots, z^L$ (also $z^0$ is a special neuron that is always clamped to an input example)
  • Stateless prediction neurons $\mu^0, \ldots, \mu^{L-1}$
  • Stateless error neurons $e^0, \ldots, e^{L-1}$

Each prediction $\mu^\ell$ is taken to be the estimated mean of the probability distribution of $z^\ell$, where the prediction is made by the 1-2 latent state nodes above it via the equation:

$$\mu^\ell = g^\ell[W^{\ell+1} \phi^{\ell+1}(z^{\ell+1}) + \alpha_m (M^{\ell+2} \phi^{\ell+2}(z^{\ell+2}))]$$


  • $W^1, \ldots, W^L$ are learnable, top-down "forward/generative" weight matrices
  • $\phi^\ell$ is the activation function for layer $\ell = 1, \ldots, L$
    • in the MNIST implementation, $\phi^\ell = \text{ReLU}$ for layers $\ell = 1, \ldots, L$, and $\phi^0 = \text{identity}$
  • $g^\ell$ is the activation function for $\mu^\ell$
    • in the MNIST implementation, $g^\ell = \text{ReLU}$ for $\ell = 1, \ldots, L-1$, and $g^0 = \text{sigmoid}$
  • $\alpha_m = 0 \text{ or } 1$ is a binary parameter that determines whether "skip connections" are used for top-down predictions
    • when $\alpha_m = 1$, the model is called GNCN-PDH (short for GNCN-t2-LΣ-PDH. "PDH" = "Partially Decomposable Hierarchy"). When $\alpha_m = 0$, they call it GNCN-t2-LΣ
  • $M^2, \ldots, M^L$ are learnable weight matrices used when $\alpha_m = 1$

The connectivity diagram for GNCN-PDH is shown below. Dotted lines represent a simple copy, while solid lines indicate a transformation by weight matrix. The weight matrix connections are also normalized to magnitude 1 after each update.

GNCN-PDH connectivity diagram.

The error at each layer is $\ell$ is given by a simple difference:

$$e^\ell = \phi^{\ell}(z^\ell) - \mu^\ell$$

While the local loss at layer $\ell = 0, \ldots, L-1$ is:

$$\mathcal{L}^\ell = | e^\ell |_2^2$$

(that's supposed to be a norm, but GitHub's LaTeX support is broken). Thus the network seeks to minimize the total discrepancy

$$\mathcal{L} = \sum_{\ell=0}^{L-1} \mathcal{L}^\ell$$

However, unlike with backprop-based schemes, in NGC, learning at each layer aims to minimize a local loss function, rather than a global one.

Inference (iterative latent state update): pseudocode:

  • Infer($x$):
    • $z^0 \leftarrow x$
    • $\forall \ell = 1, \ldots, L-1$: $z^\ell \leftarrow 0$
    • repeat $K$ times:
      • for $\ell = 0, \ldots, L-1$:
        • $\mu^\ell \leftarrow g^\ell[W^{\ell+1} \phi^{\ell+1}(z^{\ell+1}) + \alpha_m (M^{\ell+2} \phi^{\ell+2}(z^{\ell+2}))]$
        • $e^\ell \leftarrow z^\ell - \mu^\ell$
      • for $\ell = 1, \ldots, L$:
        • $d^\ell \leftarrow E^\ell e^{\ell - 1} - e^\ell$
        • $z^\ell \leftarrow z^\ell + \beta (- \gamma z^\ell + d^\ell - V^\ell z^\ell)$


  • $E^\ell$ is a learnable, bottom-up weight matrix for errors
  • $V^\ell$ is a non-learnable (recurrent) lateral inhibition / self-excitation weight matrix
  • $\gamma$ is a leak coefficient that decays the latent state
    • $\gamma = 0.001$ in the MNIST implementation
  • $\beta$ is a learning rate-like hyperparameter for the iterative inference updates
    • $\beta = 0.1$ in the MNIST implementation
    • not the same as the actual learning rate for the weight updates, which is separate. see below

Weight update pseudogradients are calculated

$$\Delta W^\ell = e^{\ell-1} (\phi^{\ell}(z^{\ell}))^\top$$

$$\Delta E^\ell = (\Delta W^\ell)^\top$$

$$\Delta M^\ell = e^{\ell-2} (\phi^{\ell}(z^{\ell}))^\top$$

These are used by the optimizer (Adam in this case) to update the weights. lr = 0.001 is used.


  • generative sampling
  • other datasets (FMNIST, KMNIST, etc.)