Reads S-PLUS Image FITS Header and calculates moon position and illumination at the DATETIME of the observation. If --append
option is set, the program will also append the new information to the Image FITS Header.
usage: [-h] [--append] FITSFILE
Reads S-PLUS Image FITS Header and calculates moon position and illumination at the DATETIME of the observation.
positional arguments:
FITSFILE Observed Image FITS filename
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--append, -A Append calculated information to the Image FITS header
A simple example of result:
$./ SPLUS-GAL-20180713-042623.fits.fz
OBJECT COORD (RA, DEC) : (18:15:55.852, -28:04:38.149)
T80S DATETIME OBS: 2018-07-13T04:25:02.729000
T80S DATETIME INI OBS: 2018-07-13 00:25:03.258000-04:00
OBJECT COORD INI OBS (ALT, AZ) : (79.15271735462748 deg, 278.13763912778046 deg)
MOON SEPARATION INI OBS: 161.28648794606855 deg
MOON ILLUMINATION INI OBS: 0.00019896476842184985
T80S DATETIME END OBS: 2018-07-13 00:25:59.270000-04:00
OBS DURATION: 56.012 s
OBJECT COORD END OBS (ALT, AZ) : (78.9523633264309 deg, 277.87435125012064 deg)
MOON SEPARATION END OBS: 161.274369280656 deg
MOON ILLUMINATION END OBS: 0.00020015159811270777
MEAN MOON SEPARATION: 161.2804286133623 deg
MEAN MOON ILLUMINATION: 0.0001995581832672788
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