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rhuanjl edited this page Feb 15, 2018 · 1 revision

Sets a callback function that will be called to notify of unhandled Promise Rejections and Rejection Handled events as per ECMASpec #sec-host-promise-rejection-tracker.


CHAKRA_API (JsErrorCode)
         _In_ JsHostPromiseRejectionTrackerCallback promiseRejectionTrackerCallback, 
        _In_opt_ void *callbackState);


  • promiseRejectionTrackerCallback: The callback function being set.
  • callbackState: User provided state that will be passed back to the callback.

Return Value

The code JsNoError if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.


Sets whether any action should be taken when a promise is rejected with no reactions or a reaction is added to a promise that was rejected before it had reactions. By default in either of these cases nothing occurs. This function allows you to specify if something should occur and provide a callback to implement whatever should occur.

Requires an active script context.

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