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Limin Zhu edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 3 revisions

Serializes a parsed script to a buffer than can be reused.


    _In_z_ const wchar_t *script,
    _Out_writes_to_opt_(*bufferSize, *bufferSize) BYTE *buffer,
    _Inout_ unsigned long *bufferSize);


  • script: The script to serialize.
  • buffer: The buffer to put the serialized script into. Can be null.
  • bufferSize: On entry, the size of the buffer, in bytes; on exit, the size of the buffer, in bytes, required to hold the serialized script.

Return Value

The code JsNoError if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.


This API is Windows-only (see JsSerialize for cross-platform equivalent). JsSerializeScript parses a script and then stores the parsed form of the script in a runtime-independent format. The serialized script then can be deserialized in any runtime without requiring the script to be re-parsed. Requires an active script context.

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