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Jenkins Repro Steps

Doug Ilijev edited this page Sep 15, 2016 · 12 revisions

When Jenkins builds or tests fail it is helpful to be able to reproduce the errors locally.

It is possible to run builds and tests locally using the same scripts that the Jenkins checks use. To run these commands, please follow the instructions below.

Keep in mind that certain builds will have system requirements that make it impossible to run the builds directly on your system configurations (e.g. Legacy Windows builds which require Windows 7 and/or VS 2013; and Linux builds which require a Linux system or VM). Requirements are detailed below.

The following Jenkins commands are directed at re-running entire sets of Jenkins checks. If you wish to re-run a particular check, see Jenkins Build Triggers.

Rolling Builds


Repro with these commands:

jenkins\buildone.cmd x64 debug
jenkins\testone.cmd x64 debug

When testing a fix to these builds with Jenkins you do NOT need to request any additional tests because this set of tests is automatic. If you wish to RE-RUN tests due to, e.g., intermittent failures, you can request:

@dotnet-bot test this please


Repro with these commands:

./ --debug
./test/ -d

When testing a fix to these builds with Jenkins you do NOT need to request any additional tests because this set of tests is automatic. If you wish to RE-RUN tests due to, e.g., intermittent failures, you can request:

@dotnet-bot test this please

Daily Builds

Builds with Slow Tests

Builds with Slow Tests are used for daily builds, but are mostly the same as the rolling builds above. Only trigger these builds if there is an issue revealed in the dailies that does not repro in the rolling builds (to save build machine resources).

Windows (Daily)

Repro with these commands:

jenkins\buildone.cmd x64 debug
jenkins\testone.cmd x64 debug -includeSlow

When testing a fix please request:

@dotnet-bot test slow tests please

Linux (Daily)

Repro with these commands:

./ --debug
./test/ -d

When testing a fix please request:

@dotnet-bot test linux tests please

DisableJIT Builds (Windows-only)

Repro with these commands:

jenkins\buildone.cmd x64 debug "/p:BuildJIT=false"
jenkins\testone.cmd x64 debug -disablejit

When testing a fix please request:

@dotnet-bot test nojit tests please

(You can also replace test nojit tests with test disablejit tests if you prefer -- they are equivalent.)

Legacy Builds (Windows-only)

Note: These tests are designed to run under VS 2013 + Windows 7. In most cases, failures are related to running under msbuild 12.0 so you can most likely reproduce failures using msbuild 12.0 without needing to run on Windows 7. If you still cannot repro, you might consider setting up a Windows 7 VM to repro.

Repro with these commands:

jenkins\buildone.cmd x64 debug msbuild12
jenkins\testone.cmd x64 debug -win7 -includeSlow

When testing a fix please request the following:

@dotnet-bot test dev12 tests please

(You can also replace test dev12 tests with test legacy tests if you prefer -- they are equivalent.)


Windows Alternate Flags

You can replace x64 with x86 or arm. (Running tests on arm builds is not supported).

You can replace debug with test or release. (Running tests on release builds is not supported).

Windows Release Builds

Rolling Builds and NoJIT Daily builds of release configurations also perform PreFAST code analysis. The full set of commands we run for release builds are as follows:

jenkins\buildone.cmd x64 release "/p:runcodeanalysis=true"
jenkins\testone.cmd x64 release
powershell .\Build\scripts\check_prefast_error.ps1 . CodeAnalysis.err

Reproing PreFAST code analysis only requires the build step, not the test step, so if you are only trying to repro PreFAST errors, you can omit the test step above.

Linux Alternate Flags

See Building ChakraCore

You can replace --debug with --test-build or omit this flag for a release build.

You can replace -d (corresponding with --debug in with -t (corresponding with --test-build in

(Running tests on release builds is not supported.)


See Building ChakraCore for specific details on the platforms and build configurations we support and requirements to build them.

  • Windows: We will primarily support Windows 8.1+ with VS 2015. We currently support systems with Windows 7 or VS 2013 as Legacy configurations.
  • Linux: We will support Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Clang 3.8+.
  • OS X: We will support OS X with Clang 3.8+.

Shorthand and System Compatibility Notes

For purposes of shorthand the following terms are considered more or less equivalent here:

  • VS 2015 = Visual Studio 2015 = Dev14 = msbuild 14.0
  • VS 2013 = Visual Studio 2013 = Dev12 = msbuild 12.0

Compatibility testing notes:

  • All of our compatibility is either targeted at Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1+ (which includes Windows 10).
  • Windows 7 SP1 is actually tested on Windows Server 2008 R2 (for our purposes, an equivalent Server OS).
  • Windows 8.1+ is actually tested on Windows Server 2012 R2 (for our purposes, an equivalent Server OS).
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