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Harun Reşid Ergen edited this page Apr 10, 2023 · 3 revisions

User Profile


Buğra is a member of the project team and worked hard for the development of the platform. Now he is maintaining the system as an admin.


  1. Since Buğra worked in the development in project for a long time he knows the system and the requirements very well. Project owners decided to make him one of the admins because of his experience with the project. So, project owners asked from an existing admin to create an admin user for the Buğra. Admins provided necessary information (username & passphrase & other type of passphrases for specific actions) to Buğra. Now, Buğra is ready to work and help as admin.

Addressed Requirements for Admin

  • Admins shall be able to assign coordinator and facilitator roles to designated users.
  • Admins shall delete the user roles if there is any abuse or misuse related to that user.
  • Admins shall see any bug reports about the system and respond & fix it.
  • Admins shall help to the coordinators whenever technical assistance is needed.
  • Admins shall manually verify any document that requires verification whenever needed.
  • Admins should dynamically provide new additions to the system according to user needs and feedback.
  • Admin role shall only be given by the project owners.
  • Admin shall send notifications to other admins.
  • Admin shall see the live statistics of the system.


  1. Buğra enters the system as admin with the given information.
  2. One of the project owners calls to Buğra and asks for some statistics about the system.
  3. Buğra looks at the live statistics in the bug reports page, and informs the project owner accordingly.
  4. Admin Buğra gets a phone call from one of his closest friends named Yaren that is in the disaster area and continues her work as a volunteer. She tells him that she wants to contribute as facilitator but she does not have any document that are eligible for automatic authentication. Thus, she needs to be assigned manually as a facilitator. Buğra gets her credentials via phone and writes them in a text file. Then, Buğra assigns her as a facilitator
  5. Buğras's friend Yaren gets a notification about its approval as a facilitator role. She starts to help using the platform immediately.
  6. One of the project owners calls Buğra and says that the upcoming meeting is postponed one hour. He wants from Buğra to send notification tot he active admins about this issue in the case that they have not seen the mail that is sent by the project owner.
  7. Buğra opens notification page and sends a notification to the all active admins.
  8. One of the project owners again calls Buğra and wants a user to be assigned as a coordinator.
  9. Buğra opens assignment page and assigns the coordinator role to the mentioned user.


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