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Antonio Cañas Vargas edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 3 revisions

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User administration

Administer one user

To manage a single user click on one of these links referring to the user you want to manage:

  • USERS > Students > Administer one user
  • USERS > Teachers > Administer one user
  • USERS > Others > Administer one user

Then enter one of these three identifiers:

  • @nickname
  • email
  • ID number (DNI, cédula, passport...)

and click the Continue button.

Administer multiple users

If you are a teacher in the selected course, you can manage (enroll, remove,...) several students simultaneously. If you are an administrator, you can also manage multiple teachers.

To manage several students/teachers in a course, follow these steps:

Step 0: Get a list of users

Before you begin, you'll probably need a list of users (students or teachers). To manage several users, you need the @nickname, email or ID of each of them. You can get them with external tools or from the SWAD platform itself, for example from a source course different to the target one. In the second case (from the SWAD platform itself) you can do it as follows:

  • Option 1:
    • Go to the source course from which you want to obtain the list of users.
    • Go to USERS > Students or USERS > Teachers.
    • If there are groups in the course, select the desired groups and click on Update users.
    • Choose List display instead of Classphoto display.
    • Uncheck the Include photos option.
    • Click on the List the complete data of the students or List the complete data of the teachers icon located in the upper left corner of the box. The table with the complete data will open in a new tab.
    • In the new tab with the complete data you can use one of these alternatives:
      • Click Select All using your browser's context menu, select Copy from your browser's context menu, or press Control-C (copy), open a spreadsheet application and press Control-V (paste) into it, on the spreadsheet select the column for IDs or the column for emails and press Control-C (copy).
      • In some browsers you can select only the IDs column or the emails column by pressing and moving the mouse while holding down the Control key.
  • Option 2:
    • Go to the source course from which you want to obtain the list of users.
    • Go to COMMUNICATION > Mail.
    • If there are groups in the course, select the desired groups and click on Update users.
    • Select the desired users.
    • Click on the View email addresses button.
    • Select the email list and select Copy from your browser's context menu or press Control-C (copy).

Once the data (ID list or email list) has been copied to the clipboard, go to the target course and continue with step 1.

Step 1: Provide a list of users

Go to the destination course and click on one of these links:

  • USERS > Students > Administer multiple students
  • USERS > Teachers > Administer multiple teachers

Type or paste a list of @nicks, emails or IDs into the text area labelled "List of @nicks, emails or IDs:". The @nicks, emails or IDs can be separated by arbitrary strings (eg. names, places, etc.). Only the words that seems @nicks, emails or IDs will be taken into account; the rest of the text will be ignored.

  • If a user has already an account in the platform, any of the following three identifiers may be used to administer him/her:
    • @nickname
    • email
    • ID number (DNI, cédula, passport...)
  • If a user does not have an account in the platform and you want to register him/her, you must use his/her ID (DNI, cédula, passport...).

Step 2: Select the desired action

You must choose one of the following actions:

  • Add (register the users indicated in step 1) (default)
  • Remove the users indicated in step 1
  • Remove the users not indicated in step 1
  • Update (register the users indicated in step 1 and remove the users not indicated)
  • Eliminate from the platform the users indicated on step 1 (only for system administrators)

Step 3: Optionally, select groups

Select the groups in/from which you want to register/remove users.You can only select those groups to which you belong.

  • If you select any groups, users will be enrolled in the course and the selected groups, or removed from the selected groups but not from the course.
  • If you do not select any groups, users will be enrolled in the course but not in specific groups, or removed from the course and from all groups.

Step 4: Confirm the enrollment / removing

For security, you must check "I understand that this action can not be undone." and enter your password. Then click the Confirm button.

Remove all students

If you are a teacher of a course, you can eliminate all the students enrolled in it. To remove all the students in a course, go to the course and click on USERS > Students > Administer multiple students > Remove all students.

You will be asked for confirmation. To confirm deletion, you must check "I understand that this action can not be undone.", enter your password, and click on the Remove all students button.

Please confirm the removal only if you are sure of what you want to do. Note that eliminating students assumes that, although students' data will not be removed in other courses, they will no longer enrolled in the current course, and also all the homework submitted by them in the course, their record cards for the course, their attendance to classes, and their enrolment in groups of the course will be removed.

If you just want to update the student list, instead of deleting all students and then adding the updated list, it's probably a much better idea to go to Administer multiple students and select the Update action in step 2.

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