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Larry Staton Jr. edited this page Sep 18, 2015 · 2 revisions

Larry Staton Jr. is the Sr. Software Engineer at Hendrick Automotive Group.

Title ADRs for REST systems
Level Five-In-Five

REST has been taking a beating in several popular videos lately. If you listen closely, however, you'll hear that the decision to use REST is based on nothing more than popularity and the implementation is almost always incorrect.

In this talk, I'll introduce a tool that we borrowed from Cognitect called ADRs (Architectural Decision Records) and show how you can use them to document your decision to use REST. By thinking through your problem space and recording it in a document for all to see, you can clarify your decisions. Who knows? Maybe REST isn't the answer you seek.

Supplemental Documenting Architecture Decisions
Slides TBA
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