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Materials plus reaction class information

Putnam3145 edited this page May 15, 2015 · 1 revision

The reactions page mentions such vague terms as "beryllium-bearing gem" or "magnesium-bearing boulder", so here's a list of such things.

  • Zirconium-bearing boulders/gems include:
    1. Zircons of all kinds
  • Titanium-bearing boulders/gems include:
    1. Ilmenite
    2. Rutile
  • Magnesium-bearing boulders/gems include:
    1. Dolomite
  • Beryllium-bearing boulders/gems include:
    1. Heliodors
    2. Beryls of all kinds
    3. Morganites
    4. Goshenites
    5. Aquamarines
    6. Emeralds
  • Silicon-bearing boulders include:
    1. Andesite
    2. Olivine
    3. Hornblende
    4. Serpentine
    5. Orthoclase
    6. Microcline
    7. Mica