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Materials Plus Reactions

Putnam3145 edited this page May 15, 2015 · 2 revisions

New reactions in materials plus are:

  1. Steel making using manganese. 3 bars of iron and 1 bar of manganese will get you 4 bars of steel; one iron ore and one manganese ore will get you 4 steel, 3 manganese and 1 iron.
  2. High-speed steel making. A slightly stronger variation of steel. Takes 6 bars of steel and one bar each of vanadium, chromium, tungsten and molybdenum and gets you 10 bars of high-speed steel.
  3. Beryllium refining. Makes a pair of tokens that automatically goes through the process as available. The process requires:
    1. one beryllium-bearing boulder OR 4 beryllium-bearing gems
    2. two fluorite gems
    3. a bucket of sulfuric acid, which itself requires
      1. a boulder of brimstone
      2. any item that contains vanadium (will be preserved)
      3. a bucket
    4. and a boulder of rock salt. This will get you 4 bars of beryllium. Beryllium is very light and stronger than iron, so it should be worth it.
  4. The Kroll Process to refine zirconium or titanium. Makes a pair of tokens that automatically goes through the process as available. The process requires:
    1. one titanium/zirconium-bearing boulder OR 4 titanium/zirconium-bearing gems
    2. a bar of coke
    3. two bars of a reducer metal (magnesium only for now), which itself requires:
      1. A magnesium-bearing boulder
      2. A silicon-bearing boulder
    4. This will all get you 4 bars of zirconium/titanium and give you back one bar of the reducer metal.