Version 2.3.10 Aug 13 ’22 (LZ SR1 params; generic leakage script)
New Physics Modeling:
- SE mean size based on loop not EL yield x g1_gas; loop size can be changed from one location now (Matthew Szydagis, LZ/UAlbany)
New Code Features:
- Bash script added for rapidly calculating the ER leakage fraction as a function of the drfit electric field (Matthew)
- Updated the S1 and S2 linear noise warnings for >100% instead of >10% to catch people confusing % and fraction (Greg Rischbieter, LZ/UMich)
- Added detector file for LZ’s 1st WIMP-search run (SR1) and removed virtual declaration of functions in LZ_SR1.hh (Greg R.)
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes:
- Removed glitch whereby loopNEST was stuck on tritium as source, and provided more instructions (Kirsten McMichael, nEXO/RPI)