Enhancements π
- #837 BreadCrumb color is based on accent color and some accent colors are very dim on dark backgrounds.
- #844 TreeGridPlugin fire event when row is expanded but no event is fired on before row expand.
- #845 Restore the FlexLayout and related classes from version 1.x.
- #863 Implement getRecords() for LocalListScrollingDataSource.
- #865 Add deselect* to AbstractSelect.
- #866 Update javadocs.
- #867 Moving focus from Select element.
- #875 Add more support for SVG elements.
Fixes π
- #841 hide() will not work on element with a dui css display class
- #842 clear() on a Select does not clear the value;
- #843 Select element hide() does not close the select drop down if it was open;
- #847 setValue on select does not work after removingAllOptions and add then again.
- #848 TagBox: readonly tag will not be removed.
- #849 TagBox set to readOnly, the text is hard to read.
- #851 SummeryPlugin SummaryRow is not being cleared and is duplicated instead.
- #853 Horizontal TabsPanel inside vertical TabsPanel.
- #854 Popover doesn't close on blur when in a dialog.
- #855 ColumnResize sending spurious events.
- #858 DatePicker - can not pick date that is not in current month/year.
- #859 Table row does not get marked when checked.
- #860 calling setLabel(String label) removes required indicator.
- #861 Detach then attach the menu target element before showing the menu once will append the menu to the document body.
- #862 Scroll loading does not work if the table is not displayed completely horizontally.
- #864 AbstractSelect selectByKey calling deselect.
- #868 Scroll loading does not work when browser zoom is not 100%.
- #869 silently setting select doesn't pass notification to dropdown.
- #870 Selecting date from date picker breaks when DateBox is empty.
- #871 component visible overlap with SplitPanel's.
- #873 Calendar - set first day of week in accordance with DateTimeFormatInfo.
- #874 TimeBox value is not set after picking time.
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-RC3...2.0.0-RC4