Releases: DominoKit/domino-ui
Releases · DominoKit/domino-ui
Enhancements and Features 🎉
- #686 Support Dropdown for responsive tabs.
- #774 Implement a date range picker component.
- #931 overflow tabs support.
- #951 Enhance how we append/remove Prefix/PostFix/primamry addons to element and enhance how we append multiple childs.
- #952 add TextArea support to DelayedTextInput.
- #954 DateBox should close the popup when cleared and call change listeners when value is null.
- #962 Add configuration for RichTextEditor buttons and toolbars.
- #963 Add a new Dialog size FULL.
- #964 Add more color variables variations for context context css styles.
- #966 add findTabByKey to tabs.
- #968 Slider bubble cuts off text.
Fixes 🛠
- #953 Clearing the search in a grouped select does not restore all options.
- #955 Empty submenu opens as horizontal line.
- #959 Single Select Old Value is always null when change listener is called.
- #960 calling withValue(null) on a Select should clear it.
- #961 Wrong weekend day are marked as weekend.
- #967 Select sends incorrect oldvalue when clearing.
- #969 Selection listeners on ListGroup are not triggered.
Full Changelog: 2.0.2...2.0.3
Enhancements and Features 🎉
- #902 add scrollwheel support to carousel.
- #935 expose Search and Loader from AbstractSuggestBox class.
- #936 Enhance some behaviors for DateBox/TimeBox/Calendar.
- #940 SuggestBox clearValue(...) does not clear value if it isnt predefined choice.
- #941 Expose SuggestBox loader icon.
- #943 DominoUIConfig for different "parts" of the application.
- #946 Enhance datepicker: API to single days for deactivating.
Fixes 🛠
- #932 Wrong UI interaction between datatable SummaryPlugin and EmptyStatePlugin.
- #934 change listeners not fired when SuggestBox cleared from keyboard.
- #937 Select loses focus after selection.
- #938 DataTable / Render error with PinColumnsPlugin and ColumnHeaderFilterPlugin.
- #939 calling clear value for multiselect box will repeat the call for change listener by the number of selected items.
- #942 FileUpload does not respect setMultiple(false).
- #944 NPE at AdvancedPaginationPlugin.
- #947 Calling SetTitle twice on NavBar removes description.
- #948 Memory leak in menu and Popover.
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.0.2
Enhancements and Features 🎉
- #911 Window updatePosition setWindowTop sets wrong positions.
- #912 Expose window NavBar.
- #913 Window dragging is jumpy.
- #914 RadioGroup change listener not triggered when Radios are selected with keyboard.
- #917 Carousel images size only horizontally.
- #918 TextAreaBox: empty lines disappear when set readOnly to true.
- #920 DataTable mixed plugins DragAndDrop with Edit mode should disable DragAndDrop.
- #925 Table Column Filter should use a configurable search delay.
- #927 Allow setting a custom NumberFormat for NumberBox.
Fixes 🛠
- #910 SelectionPlugin: MultiSelectHeader checkbox should get unchecked if not all table entries are checked.
- #915 MultiSelect#deselectAt() doesn't deselecting the item.
- #916 MultiSelect#clear(silent) doesn't deselect silently.
- #921 Empty DataTable header cell shows empty tooltip.
- #924 TreeGrid expand all crashes.
- #926 Select with many entries / Unable to scroll on touch devices.
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.1
Enhancements and Features 🎉
- #900 Add the ability to insert/remove records from LocalListDataStore by index.
- #901 menu items shouldn't stay selected.
- #906 no scrollbar visible if setFixedBodyHeight too big.
Fixes 🛠
- #903 NavBar description text color is white for both light and dark mode.
- #904 Dialog.addCollapseListener(CollapseHandler) should be called addCollapseHandler(CollapseHandler).
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-RC5...2.0.0
Enhancements and Features 🎉
- #882 Introduce new InfoBlock component.
- #884 Use static imports instead of inheriting interfaces for ElementsFactory, SVGFactory and DominoCss.
- #885 Add the ability to insert a menu item(s) in a specific index.
- #886 Select component improvements.
- #892 DataTable - Stop mouse events from bubbling if in edit mode.
- #893 Allow moving carousel slides programatically.
- #896 TextArea improvements.
- #897 add BestRight{Up/Down}DropDirection.
Fixes 🛠
- #878 TextBox And TextArea: character count is not handled correct.
- #880 Wrong color for AppLayout header description.
- #881 Wrong position for some DropDirections with body having margins.
- #883 Javadocs not generated correctly, missing index page and other docs.
- #887 setHeaderTextAlignment is not respected on empty DataTable.
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-RC4...2.0.0-RC5
Enhancements 🎉
- #837 BreadCrumb color is based on accent color and some accent colors are very dim on dark backgrounds.
- #844 TreeGridPlugin fire event when row is expanded but no event is fired on before row expand.
- #845 Restore the FlexLayout and related classes from version 1.x.
- #863 Implement getRecords() for LocalListScrollingDataSource.
- #865 Add deselect* to AbstractSelect.
- #866 Update javadocs.
- #867 Moving focus from Select element.
- #875 Add more support for SVG elements.
Fixes 🛠
- #841 hide() will not work on element with a dui css display class
- #842 clear() on a Select does not clear the value;
- #843 Select element hide() does not close the select drop down if it was open;
- #847 setValue on select does not work after removingAllOptions and add then again.
- #848 TagBox: readonly tag will not be removed.
- #849 TagBox set to readOnly, the text is hard to read.
- #851 SummeryPlugin SummaryRow is not being cleared and is duplicated instead.
- #853 Horizontal TabsPanel inside vertical TabsPanel.
- #854 Popover doesn't close on blur when in a dialog.
- #855 ColumnResize sending spurious events.
- #858 DatePicker - can not pick date that is not in current month/year.
- #859 Table row does not get marked when checked.
- #860 calling setLabel(String label) removes required indicator.
- #861 Detach then attach the menu target element before showing the menu once will append the menu to the document body.
- #862 Scroll loading does not work if the table is not displayed completely horizontally.
- #864 AbstractSelect selectByKey calling deselect.
- #868 Scroll loading does not work when browser zoom is not 100%.
- #869 silently setting select doesn't pass notification to dropdown.
- #870 Selecting date from date picker breaks when DateBox is empty.
- #871 component visible overlap with SplitPanel's.
- #873 Calendar - set first day of week in accordance with DateTimeFormatInfo.
- #874 TimeBox value is not set after picking time.
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-RC3...2.0.0-RC4