a monolithic mobile robot navigation system as a replacement for the navigation stack
Please give the navigation goal and some obstacles as shown in the movie below after the command:
$ roslaunch value_iteration navigation_house_amcl.launch
This node executes value iteration.
The value iteration procedure rises up through the action value_iteration/ViAction
, which is composed of the following goal, feedback, and result. An example of usage is shown in vi_turtle_env.py.
- /vi_controller/goal
- goal (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
- the destination
- goal (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
- /vi_controller/feedback
- current_sweep_times (std_msgs/UInt32MultiArray)
- the number of sweeps executed so far by each thread
- deltas (std_msgs/Float32MultiArray)
- the maximum change of state values caused by the latest sweep of each thread
- current_sweep_times (std_msgs/UInt32MultiArray)
- /vi_controller/result
- finished (bool)
- return true after the completion of value iteration
- finished (bool)
- policy (grid_map_msgs/GetGridMap)
- Provide calculated policy. The id of the optimal action is written as a float value in each cell.
- value (grid_map_msgs/GetGridMap)
- Provide calculated value function.
- action_list (not implemented)
- Provide the id and velocity of every action.
- static_map (nav_msgs/GetMap)
- Initiate the map for value iteration.
- cost_map (nav_msgs/GetMap)
- It can be used instead of
. (please read Maps section)
- It can be used instead of
- scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
- laser scans
- tf (tf/tfMessage)
- transforms
- /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
- the control order to the robot; published only when the parameter
is true
- the control order to the robot; published only when the parameter
- action_list
- Currently,
requires an action list like the following.onestep_forward_m
mean the forward and rotational velocities respectively.vi_node
calculates the optimal value function and the oplimal policy based on this action list.
- Currently,
- name: forward
onestep_forward_m: 0.3
onestep_rotation_deg: 0.0
- name: back
onestep_forward_m: -0.2
onestep_rotation_deg: 0.0
- name: right
onestep_forward_m: 0.0
onestep_rotation_deg: -20.0
- name: left
onestep_forward_m: 0.0
onestep_rotation_deg: 20.0
- ~online (bool, defalut: false)
- flag for using vi_node as a real-time planner
- ~theta_cell_num (int, default: 60)
- number of intervals of the discrete state space on theta-axis
- ~thread_num (int, default: 4)
- number of threads used on value iteration
- ~goal_margin_radius (double, default: 0.2[m])
- radius of the goal on xy-plane
- ~goal_margin_theta (int, default: 10[deg])
- radius of the goal on theta-axis
- ~map_type (string, "cost" or "occupancy", default: occupancy)
- choice of map for setting immediate costs and occupancy (please read the Maps section)
- ~cost_drawing_threshold (int, default: 60[s])
- cost value related to the maximum gradation color
We can choose two types of maps for initializing parametes of states.
A cost map is created from an occupancy grid map. Occupied cells are marked as roped-off area. Moreover, cells near occupied ones are given immediate penalty. The near cells and the value of the penalty are controlled through the following parametes.
- parapeters
- ~safety_radius (double, default: 0.2[m])
- distance that should be kept between the center of the robot and an occupancy grid
- ~safety_radius_penalty (double, default: 30[s], max: 1,000,000,000[s])
- immediate penality (negative immediate reward in the field of reinforcement learning) when the robot invades the safety radius.
- ~safety_radius (double, default: 0.2[m])
We can also use a "cost map," which contains the immediate cost of every cell. This map should be written with "Raw mode". In a map, cells given 255 are regarded as roped-off cells. Cells with other values are free cells but are given the values as their immediate costs.
There are an information file (cost.yaml
) and a map file (cost.pgm
) in the maps
directory. The information file must contains the line mode: raw
as shown below.
image: ./cost.pgm
resolution: 0.050000
origin: [-10.000000, -10.000000, 0.000000]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65 #not used
free_thresh: 0.196 #not used
mode: raw
reads a cost map from a service cost_map
. In launch/vi_turtle_online.launch
, you can find the following lines so as to provice the cost map through cost_map
<node pkg="map_server" name="cost_map" type="map_server" args="$(find value_iteration)/maps/cost.yaml">
<remap from="static_map" to="cost_map" />
<remap from="map" to="cost_map_for_vi" /> <!-- This line avoids this node to provide the map to RViz. -->
This node receives the 2D Nav Goal from RViz and sends it to vi_node. It is implemented in scripts/vi_turtle_env.py
It is the sum of costs from a pose (position + orientation) to a point of goal. The cost means the time. Therefore, it means the time required to reach the goal if immediate penarties don't exist. As shown in the parameter list, we can define some kinds of immediate penalties, which are quantified in units of seconds.
- This software is developped on the support of JSPS KAKENHI JP20K04382.
- A custom simulation environment in this repository is derived from ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_simulations, which is licensed with Apache License 2.0.