Mainline MAME/MESS/UME for libretro (with libco). Always WIP, bugs are expected
build instructions for pc linux/win:
make -f Makefile.libretro -j4 (NB: for 64 bits build export PTR64=1 at least on win64), also you need python2.exe in your path
build instructions for android:
for now you must build in 2 pass make -f Makefile.libretro "NATIVE=1" buildtools make -f Makefile.libretro "platform=android" emulator -j4
To run this core you need up-to date ROMs. Additionally MESS/UME need an specific folder structure and the up-to-date hash database. Softlists are supported and loading with softlists is enabled by default. Example:
NES SMB should be in rompath\nes\ HASHES should be in SYSTEMDIR[mame|mess|ume]\hashes
There are some optional paths that might hold additional data for mame like artwork, samples, etc. Those are mapped like this:
- samplepath SYSTEMDIR[mame|mess|ume]\samples
- artpath SYSTEMDIR[mame|mess|ume]\artwork
- cheatpath SYSTEMDIR[mame|mess|ume]\cheat
- hashpath SYSTEMDIR[mame|mess|ume]\hash
- inipath SYSTEMDIR[mame|mess|ume]\ini
MAME creates some files on certain directories, those are mapped like this:
- cfg_directory SAVEDIR[mame|mess|ume]\cfg
- nvram_directory SAVEDIR[mame|mess|ume]\nvram
- memcard_directory SAVEDIR[mame|mess|ume]\memcard
- input_directory SAVEDIR[mame|mess|ume]\input
- state_directory (MAME save states, not libretro save states, core doesn't implement those) SAVEDIR[mame|mess|ume]\states
- snapshot_directory SAVEDIR[mame|mess|ume]\snaps
- diff_directory SAVEDIR[mame|mess|ume]\diff
MAME cheats can be either compressed under SYSTEMDIR[mame|mess|ume]\ or extracted under SYSTEMDIR[mame|mess|ume]\cheat\
tips: L2 activates MAME OSD
- Read configuration - attempts to load settings from MAME.ini
- Auto save/load states - uses the core builtin save functionality to save/load progress automatically
- Enable in-game mouse - enable mouse support
- Enable cheats - enables the core builtin cheat functionality
- Alternate render method - causes MAME to use the new video renderer
- Boot to OSD - attempts to start to MAME/MESS/UME OSD
- Boot from CLI - allows you to boot using any MAME's builtin commandline parameters via CLI
Write configuration - writes per driver configuration to a file on exit
Enable soflists - enables softlist usage
Softlist automatic media type - attempts to guess mediatype based on the folder structure
Media type - forces an specific media type, softlists or not
Boot to BIOS - attempts to boot to BIOS instead of booting to the game
separated core options between mame, mess and ume, lot's of redundant code but it's more consistent
media type works with softlists too (useful for games with different versions with different media types (SMB2 nes and SMB2 famicom)
ume works with arcade/console/computer with or without soflists
boot to osd
- sample rate or refresh rate on the fly
- rework global inputs
- rework per driver inputs
- core option to disable per driver inputs and default to a standard retropad assgnment
- core option to select additional content location (artwork/samples/etc) between CONTE