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Minigame Signs

Narimm edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

Minigame Signs

Minigames has been built mainly around the use of special signs. Some of these signs are required to play specific Minigames. Some of these signs have a complex setup and can be used in multiple ways where as some are plain and simple. This page is to list all available signs.

Bet Sign

The bet sign has two available uses, the first is to bet specific items against other players upon joining to win. The other sign is to bet money against other players upon joining. Item bets may only be used for Free For All games, where as money bet signs can be used for both Free for All and Minigame Types. For the case of item bets, the winning player receives all bets that have been added to the game. As for money bets, if the game is Free for All, the winning player receives all the money that was bet, but in the case of the Teams Minigame Type, the money is split between the winning team.

Checkpoint Sign

Checkpoint signs can be used in all Minigame Types, though if the game is Free for All or Teams, checkpoint use must be enabled. Checkpoint signs set a respawn position for the player that used the sign. The player can then return to this point by using the revert command (/minigame revert).

Finish Sign

Finish signs can be used in all Minigame Types, though singleplayer is where this sign is most commonly used. The sign can be used in Free for All and Teams, but the main reason for this would be to create a race Minigame.

Checkpoint signs can also be used outside Minigames, but only if the word “global” is added to the third line. This permits players to use /minigame revert outside a game. This can be useful for adventure worlds. If a global checkpoint is set, the player will not automatically respawn there.

Flag Sign

The Flag sign has a few different uses. Its initial purpose was to be used as a collectable item in singleplayer, making the player find specifically named signs throughout the Minigame. But with the inclusion of CTF, these signs have a secondary purpose.

For the usage in Singleplayer, the sign must be added to the flags portion of the Minigame. This can be accessed via command or via the menu. The command for this is:

/minigame set <Minigame> flags add <FlagName>'

The name can then be put onto the third line of the Flag Sign.

The flag sign is also used in CTF game types. If used for this purpose, they do not need to be added via the flags command or via the menu. All that needs to be added is the teams name (red, blue or neutral) onto the third line of the sign, the colours will be updated accordingly. If a player or team is to capture one of these signs, they can either click their teams own flag (as long as its at its home), or they can click a flag capture sign. The capture sign is made by adding the word Capture to the third line, along with the capturing teams name on the fourth.

To find out more about CTF, see Score Types.

Join Sign

Join signs are the most commonly used sign in Minigames and their use is pretty obvious. It lets the player join a game without the use of the command. The third line of this sign must contain the Minigames name. The fourth line is optional and adds a join price to the game. To use this though, the server must have the Vault plugin installed.

Loadout Sign

The loadout sign is required if a Minigame consists of multiple loadouts. Currently there is no way of selecting a loadout without one. A loadout sign consists of the loadouts name on the third line, this can either be a loadout from a Minigame, or a global loadout. The fourth line of this sign is optional. Adding respawn to the fourth line will only equip the loadout when the player respawns after death.

Quit Sign

The Quit Sign is an optional sign. These can be added to the lobby of a multiplayer game or somewhere in a singleplayer arena. These signs are pretty self explanatory, they just quit a player from a game upon right clicking it (so the command does not need to be used).

Reward Sign

The Reward Sign is currently only used in open world situations. Upon creating the sign, a name must be set on the third line, to signify if a player has collected that reward. The reward itself can be manually entered on the third line, but the syntax is complicated. To simplify, you can right click the sign once it has been created with the reward you'd like to give. These signs are currently limited and will be improved in the future.

Scoreboard Sign

Sign setup A complete sign Scoreboard signs are a new feature in Minigames 1.6.0. They can only be used if Minigames is using SQL to store the player data. Scoreboard signs are set up with the Minigames name on the third line, and a size on the fourth, the size being written as lengthxheight. If there the size is not written, the default size will be 3x3. One set up, you must right click the scoreboard sign to finish its setup. A menu will open up to select what the statistic is to display and what order it should be displayed in. Once this has been set up, the statistics for the game will show up on the signs that were automatically created.

Spectate Sign

Spectate signs can be used for players to spectate a Minigame. It is recommended to use these signs over the spectate command as not all games should be allowed to be spectated (due to server side limitations that prevent arrows, snowballs, eggs or any thrown object from parsing through a spectating player). Spectator fly can also be turned on via the menu or through the command. (/minigame set spectatorfly <true/false>)

Team Sign

Team signs are another optional sign used in the Teams Minigame Type. This allows the player to select their desired team while either waiting in the lobby, or while playing the game. Players can not use these signs to unbalance the teams. If the Neutral team is selected, players will be automatically assigned a team when the game starts (The neutral team cannot be selected while playing). If a player selects a team while playing a Minigame, they will be killed and reassigned to the new team.

These signs can not be used in the Infection score type.

Teleport Sign

Teleport signs are another optional sign. These teleport a player to a desired coordinate upon right clicking. The third line of the sign must contain the coordinates of where the player will teleport to (this will be in the same world they are presently) with the following syntax: “X,Y,Z”. Optionally, the yaw and pitch can be set on the fourth line using the following syntax: “Yaw,Pitch”.