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Narimm edited this page May 13, 2019 · 3 revisions


All Minigame commands are listed on this page, including the set commands. More information is given executing the base command, for example:

/minigame globalloadout and /minigame set <MinigameName> loadout

Will list aliases and all the sub commands available. As of 1.6, the set commands are not needed. All Minigame changes can be accomplished via the Minigame edit menu or using the Minigame Tool, letting you create Minigames a lot easier.

General Commands

Command Syntax Description Permission Alias
create /minigame create <Minigame> [type] Creates a Minigame using the specified name. Optionally, adding the type at the end will set the type of minigame straight up. (Type defaults to SINGLEPLAYER) minigame.create N/A
set /minigame set <Minigame> <Parameters> ... Modifies a Minigame using special parameters for each game type. N/A N/A
join /minigame join <Minigame> Forces you to join a Minigame. Warning: This bypasses betting. minigame.join N/A
start /minigame start <Minigame> Starts a Treasure Hunt Minigame. If the game isn't treasure hunt, it will force start a game begin countdown without waiting for players. minigame.start N/A
stop /minigame stop <Minigame> Stops a currently running Treasure Hunt Minigame. minigame.stop N/A
quit /minigame quit [Player]
/minigame quit ALL [MinigameName] Quits the player that issues the command or if a player name is inserted, the named player. minigame.quit q
revert /minigame revert Reverts the player that issues the command to their last checkpoint or to the start position if none is set. minigame.revert r
hint /minigame hint [Minigame Name] Hints a player to the whereabouts of a treasure hunt treasure. If more than one, the name of the Minigame must be entered. (Will be listed) minigame.treasure.hint N/A
info /minigame info <Minigame> [Page] Gets the information on a Minigame. N/A
end /minigame end [Player]
/minigame end Ends the game a player is currently playing. If the game is a team game, the whole team will win. This can also be used to end a specific team from a game, an example is shown in the usage section. minigame.end N/A
help /minigame help The general help command. N/A
list /minigame list Lists all the Minigames. minigame.list N/A
toggletimer /minigame toggletimer <Minigame> Toggles a multiplayer Minigames countdown timer to pause or continue. minigame.toggletimer N/A
delete /minigame delete <Minigame> Deletes a Minigame from existance. It will be gone forever! (A very long time) minigame.delete N/A
partymode /minigame partymode <true/false> Changes party mode state between on and off. minigame.partymode pm
deniedcommand /minigame deniedcommand add <Command>
/minigame deniedcommand remove <Command>
/minigame deniedcommand list Sets commands to be disabled when playing a Minigame. (eg: home or spawn) minigame.deniedcommands deniedcomd deniedcom
globalloadout /minigame globalloadout Opens the Loadout edit window for Global Loadouts. These loadouts may be used in any Minigame. minigame.globalloadout gloadout loadout
spectate /minigame spectate <Minigame> Allows a player to force spectate a Minigame. minigame.spectate spec
player /minigame player <PlayerName>
/minigame player list Tells you what Minigame a player is playing and other useful information or lists all players currently playing Minigames. minigame.player ply pl
score /minigame score get <Player or Team> [Minigame]

/minigame score set <Player or Team> <NewScore> [Minigame]

/minigame score add <Player or Team> [ExtraPoints] [Minigame] | Gets, sets or adds to a player's or team's score. The Minigame name is only required if not assigning the score to a player. | minigame.score | N/A | | teleport | /minigame teleport <Player> <x> <y> <z>

/minigame teleport <Player> Start [id] [team]

/minigame teleport <Player> Checkpoint

/minigame teleport <Player> <Player> | Teleports a defined player to specific coordinates, another player or a specific Minigame point. Supports the use of ~ in coordinates to teleport them relative to where they are standing. Eg: ~`` ``~5`` ``~ will teleport a player 5 blocks above their current position. | minigame.teleport | tp | | edit | /minigame edit | Lets you edit a Minigame using a neat menu. Clicking on the menu items will allow you to change the settings of the Minigame. | minigame.edit | N/A | | tool | /minigame tool minigame

/minigame tool start [team]

/minigame tool quit

/minigame tool end

/minigame tool lobby

/minigame tool degenarea

/minigame tool restoreblock

/minigame tool regenarea

/minigame tool select

/minigame tool deselect | Spawns the Minigame tool for use in setting locations in a Minigame. | minigame.tool | N/A | | scoreboard | /minigame scoreboard <asc/desc>[limit] [-p] | Displays a scoreboard of the desired Minigame, SQL must be enabled! | minigame.scoreboard | N/A | | enableall | /minigame enableall [ExcludedMinigame]... | Enables all Minigames, unless it's added to exclude list. | minigame.enableall | enall | | disableall | /minigame disableall [ExcludedMinigame]... | Disables all Minigames, unless it's added to the exclude list. | minigame.disableall | disall | | save | /minigame save | Saves a Minigame to disk. | | s |

Set Commands

Command Syntax Description Permission Alias
start /minigame set start [player number]

/minigame set start [player number]

/minigame set start clear [team colour] | Sets the start point for the Minigame. Adding a player number sets that specific players start point. | minigame.set.start | N/A | | end | /minigame set end | Sets the ending position for a player when they win a Minigame. | minigame.set.end | N/A | | quit | /minigame set quit | Sets the quitting position of a Minigame to where you are standing. | minigame.set.quit | N/A | | lobby | /minigame set lobby

/minigame set lobby<canMove/canInteract/teleport> <playerWait/startWait> <true/false> | Sets the lobby position of a Minigame to where you are standing. You can also modify lobby settings using this command. | minigame.set.lobby | N/A | | reward | /minigame set reward [Quantity] [Rarity]

/minigame set reward $ [Rarity] | Sets the players reward for completing the Minigame for the first time. This can be one item or a randomly selected item added to the rewards, depending on its defined rarity. Possible rarities are: very_common, common, normal, rare and very_rare | minigame.set.reward | N/A | | reward2 | /minigame set reward2 [Quantity] [Rarity]

/minigame set reward2 $ [Rarity] | Sets the players secondary reward for completing the Minigame after the first time.This can be one item or a randomly selected item added to the rewards, depending on its defined rarity. Possible rarities are: very_common, common, normal, rare and very_rare | minigame.set.reward2 | secondaryreward

 sreward          |

| type | /minigame set type | Sets a Minigames game type. All types can be seen in the parameter section. (also can be used as an alias of preset). | minigame.set.type | N/A | | floordegenerator | /minigame set floordegenerator <Parameters...> | Sets the two corners of a floor to degenerate or clears both of them (if set). The types of degeneration are: “inward”(default), “circle” and “random [%chance]”(Default chance: 15). Optionally, a degeneration time can be set, this defaults to the value set in the main config. | minigame.set.floordegenerator | floord

 floordegen       |

| maxplayers | /minigame set maxplayers | Sets the maximum players allowed to play a multiplayer Minigame. (Default: 4) | minigame.set.maxplayers | N/A | | minplayers | /minigame set minplayers | Sets the minimum players for a multiplayer Minigame. (Default: 2) | minigame.set.minplayers | N/A | | loadout | /minigame set loadout | Opens the Loadout edit window for the desired Minigames Loadouts. | minigame.set.loadout | N/A | | enabled | /minigame set enabled<true/false> | Sets whether the Minigame is enabled or not. (Default: disabled) | minigame.set.enabled | N/A | | maxradius | /minigame set maxradius | Sets the maximum spawn radius for a treasure hunt Minigame in metres. (Default: 1000) | minigame.set.maxradius | N/A | | mintreasure | /minigame set mintreasure | Sets the minimum number of items to spawn in a treasure hunt chest. | minigame.set.mintreasure | N/A | | maxtreasure | /minigame set maxtreasure | Sets the maximum number of items to spawn in a treasure hunt chest. | minigame.set.maxtreasure | N/A | | flag | /minigame set flag add

/minigame set flag remove

/minigame set flag clear

/minigame set flag list | Sets capture flags for SP and Race Minigames. These can be captured with [Flag] Signs. | minigame.set.flag | N/A | | location | /minigame set location | Sets the location name for a treasure hunt Minigame. | minigame.set.location | N/A | | restoreblock | /minigame set restoreblock add

/minigame set restoreblock remove

/minigame set restoreblock list

/minigame set restoreblock clear | Adds, removes, lists or clears all restore blocks in a Minigame. Note: Only needed for blocks a player won't interact with (ie: Dispensers). You must be standing on the block to assign it. | minigame.set.restoreblock | resblock

 rblock           |

| usepermissions | /minigame set usepermissions<true/false> | Sets whether a player needs a specific permission to join a Minigame. Permissions as follows: “minigame.join.” - must be all lower case | minigame.set.usepermissions | useperms | | minscore | /minigame set minscore | Sets the minimum score amount for deathmatch and team deathmatch minigames. (Default: 5) | minigame.set.minscore | N/A | | maxscore | /minigame set maxscore | Sets the maximum score for a deathmatch or team deathmatch Minigame. (Default: 10) | minigame.set.maxscore | N/A | | timer | /minigame set timer[m|h] | Sets the maximum time length (in seconds) for a Minigame. Adding 'm' or 'h' to the end of the time will use minutes or hours instead. For Teams and Free for All, the highest score at the end of this time wins. | minigame.set.timer | N/A | | itemdrop | /minigame set itemdrop player<true/false>

/minigame set itemdrop death<true/false> | Sets whether players can drop items on the ground either after they die or by dropping it themselves. (Both disabled by default) | minigame.set.itemdrop | N/A | | itempickup | /minigame set itempickup<true/false> | Changes whether a player can pickup items when in a Minigame. (Enabled by default) | minigame.set.itempickup | N/A | | blockbreak | /minigame set blockbreak<true/false> | Sets whether players can break blocks in Minigames. These will be reverted when the Minigame ends. (Default: false) | minigame.set.blockbreak | bbreak | | blockplace | /minigame set blockplace<true/false> | Sets whether players can place blocks in Minigames. These will be reverted when the Minigame ends. (Default: false) | minigame.set.blockplace | bplace | | gamemode | /minigame set gamemode | Sets the players gamemode when they join a Minigame. (Default: adventure) | minigame.set.gamemode | gm | | blockwhitelist | /minigame set blockwhitelist<true/false>

/minigame set blockwhitelist add

/minigame set blockwhitelist remove

/minigame set blockwhitelist list

/minigame set blockwhitelist clear | Adds, removes and changes whitelist mode on or off (off by default). When off, it is in blacklist mode, meaning the blocks in the list are the only blocks that list can't be placed or destroyed | minigame.set.blockwhitelist | bwl

 blockwl          |

| blocksdrop | /minigame set blocksdrop<true/false> | Sets whether blocks drop item when broken within a Minigame. (Default: true) | minigame.set.blocksdrop | N/A | | scoretype | /minigame set scoretype | Sets the scoring type for a multiplayer Minigame. | minigame.set.scoretype | N/A | | paintball | /minigame set paintball<true/false>

/minigame set paintball damage | Sets a Minigame to be in paintball mode. This lets snowballs damage players. (Default: false, default damage: 2) | minigame.set.paintball | N/A | | storecheckpoints | /minigame set storecheckpoints<true/false> | When enabled, if a player quits from a single player Minigame, their checkpoint will be stored so they can join atthat position later. | minigame.set.storecheckpoints | storecp

 spc              |

| maxheight | /minigame set maxheight | Sets the maximum Y height from the start location for a treasure chest to pick its random, however, if there are blocks in the way, it can still move above this height. (Default: 20) | minigame.set.maxheight | N/A | | preset | /minigame set preset

/minigame set preset info | Automatically sets up a Minigame using a preset provided. Note: This will not set up any positions for you, you still have to do them yourself. | minigame.set.preset | N/A | | latejoin | /minigame set latejoin<true/false> | Enables a player to join after the game has already started. This can only be used in Multiplayer Minigames. Warning: Do not use this in an LMS Minigame, for obvious reasons. | minigame.set.latejoin | N/A | | unlimitedammo | /minigame set unlimitedammo<true/false> | Allows unlimited snowballs or eggs to be thrown. | minigame.set.unlimitedammo | infammo | | spectatefly | /minigame set spectatefly<true/false> | Enables or disabled spectator fly mode for a Minigame. (Default: false) | minigame.set.spectatefly | specfly | | randomizechests | /minigame set randomizechests<true/false>

/minigame set randomizechests | All chests in a Minigame will have their items randomized as soon as a Minigame player opens one. Items will only be randomized once and will be reverted to their default state after the game ends. A new game will result in different items again. The number of items that are set in the chests are defined in this command. (Defaults: false, min: 5, max: 10) | minigame.set.randomizechests | randomisechests

 rchests          |

| regenarea | /minigame set regenarea | Sets the regeneration area for a Minigame. This only needs to be used for Minigames that have things like leaf decay, fire, tnt etc. If the Minigame has anything that the player doesn't directly interract with that breaks, this should be used. | minigame.set.regenarea | N/A | | lives | /minigame set lives | Sets the amount of lives a player has in the Minigame. If they run out, they are booted from the game. 0 means unlimited. | minigame.set.lives | N/A | | defaultwinner | /minigame set defaultwinner | Sets which team will win when the timer expires and neither team has won. (Useful for attack/defend modes of CTF) (Default: none). | minigame.set.defaultwinner | defwin | | allowenderpearls | /minigame set allowenderpearls<true / false> | Sets whether players can use enderpearls in a Minigame. | minigame.set.allowenderpearls | N/A | | starttime | /minigame set starttime <Time> | Overrides the default game start timer in the lobby after waiting for players time has expired or maximum players are reached. If time is 0 then the default time is used. (Default: 0) | minigame.set.starttime | N/A | | multiplayercheckpoints | /minigame set multiplayercheckpoints<true/false> | Allows a Minigame to enable Checkpoint usage for multiplayer games (such as Free for All and Teams). | minigame.set.multiplayercheckpoints | mpcheckpoints

 mpcp             |

| objective | /minigame set objective | Sets the objective description for the player to see when they join a Minigame. Typing “null” will remove the objective. | minigame.set.objective | obj | | gametypename | /minigame set gametypename | Sets the name of the game type that displays when a player joins (Replacing “Singleplayer” and “Free For All”). Typing “null” will remove the name. | minigame.set.gametypename | N/A | | spmaxplayers | /minigame set spmaxplayers<true/false> | Sets whether a singleplayer game should have max players or not. (Default: false) | minigame.set.spmaxplayers | N/A | | displayname | /minigame set displayname | Sets the visible name for the Mingiame, unlike the actual name, this can include spaces and special characters. (setting it to “null” will remove the display name.) | minigame.set.displayname | dispname

 dname            |

| regendelay | /minigame set regendelay | Sets the amount of time in seconds the Minigame Regenerator should wait before starting its regen. Useful for TNT explosions that could go off even after the games over. (Default: 0 seconds) | minigame.set.regendelay | N/A | | region | /minigame set region select <1/2>

/minigame set region create

/minigame set region delete

/minigame set region modify | Sets the corners of the area that is being selected

Creates a region using the selected area

Deletes a region

N/A | minigame.set.region | N/A |

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