A SJTU PRP project, which can download tsunami caused by earthquake data by a button.
Author: Junwei Deng, Runqing Zhou
Include bug fix, code restruction and a more user-friendly command line interface. So, users are recommanded to wait until then. Moreover, a library is on schedule with a fully written document so that tsunami researcher can tailor their own program easily.
You can check it like this.
Install from https://www.python.org/
And make sure you have these package.(Version is just for recommendation)
You can follow the instructions bellow to install them.
Enter pip install requests just as the following picture shows.
If the installation is successful, it will show as follows.
Similarly, enter pip install numpy.
The installation of the next three ones are all similar.
Go to http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/.
On the page, press CTRL +F and enter basemap and pyproj for quick positioning. There are several versions, and you need to choose one of them. 32 and 64 on win refer to the Python version installed, and the Numbers behind cp refer to the Python version.
Download one of them to a file. Next, you need change directory to the file and enter pip install xxx(xxx is the name of .whl you have downloaded)
For example, I download basemap-1.1.0-cp36-cp36m-win32.whl, and I put it in the directory E:\JI\prp\p1. So I need to enter the following things in cmd.
Please shut down the anti-virus software(especially 360) when you run the program.
Creat this project and upload:
- settings.py(for Input index)
- GetUsgsData.py(for get earthquake information and save it in ./cache/earthquake.csv)
- UpdateDartStation.py(for get all Dart stations' information and save them in ./cache/DartStationRecord)
- PRP_GUI.py(Demo GUI)
- earthquake.py(a class for earthquake)
- GetDartData(for get a certain Dart station data when a certain earthquake happened and calculate the relative time from the earthquake and the water height)
- ./cashe(for Professor to check if the modules do things correctly)
fixed: - README.md(for better record the update information)
- ChooseDartStation.py(choose for five stations nearest to the earthquake.epi)
- RemoveTidesPolynomialFit.py(Signal process part using polynomial fit)
- main.py(just run it and get the result)[partly finished]
fixed: - README.md
- bug fixed
- add two interesting result pictures(I believe DartData_52402.jpg is a Tsunami I catch for the earthquake at 2018-02-25T17:44:43.920Z)
- Common line UI.
- File system
- Dpi of picture generated by matplotlib
- Bunch of bugs(bug 9999.000)
- UpdateDartStation.py(make it able to decide whether we need to update the station list)
- RemoveTidesFilter.py(used to remove the tides by high-pass filter)
Fixed:(main.py/RemoveTidesPolynomialFit.py) - filesystem optimize
- bug fixed
- detailed information are added
All project has been pushed.
Version 0.1
Huge amount of Bug Fixed
Version 0.3