My project is aimed at those who love TV shows. The purpose is to give tv-lovers a very convenient tool to get the detailed information of all the TV shows in the world in 2018. In my program, I get Top 200 TV shows in 2018 from The Movie Database API. Since the returned results from this API shows country in country codes. I also scrape from to get each Country’s full name.
There are two data sources in my project. Country table and TV table have a relation of Country Name. The TV table has a Foriegn key of CountryId, which references Id in Country table.
- Country table is composed of data from I scrape COUNTRY, ISO CODES, POPULATION, AREA KM2, and GDP $USD from the website.
- TV table is composed of data returned from The Movie Database API:
To run this program, your environment should satisfy requirements.txt.
To construct database, the program first scrapes from to get COUNTRY, ISO CODES, POPULATION, AREA KM2, and GDP $USD, which is enough to construct table Country. Second, the program uses The Movie Database API to get the 200 most popular tv shows in 2018.
There is a class named as Country, which is powerful in storing each country's information temporarily when scraping from website.
This function takes user's input, generates SQL sentences, and applies them on database. Finally, it returns the results getting from database.
This function supports interaction and prompt with users. It roughly estimates user's input and then calls process_command() to get data from database. After that, it uses plotly to draw different kinds of charts accorading to user's input.
There are several lists in the whole program. For example, x_rating and y_popularity are created when drawing scatter plot.
To run the program, just input
Then you will see "Enter a command:". To start with it, you can first type "help" to get the help information about how to use this program. Just like the following shows.
Enter a command: help
There are mainly four kinds of command you can choose.
Commands available:
tv popularity and rating
Description: Lists tv name, popularity and rating according to the specified parameters.
(The results are ordered by the descending order of popularity)
* top=<limit> | bottom=<limit> [default: top=50] [<limit>range: 0 to 200]
Description: Specifies whether to list the top <limit> matches or the
bottom <limit> matches.
tv country and rating
Description: Lists country name and rating according to the specified parameters.
* minrating=<limit> [default:minrating 0] [<limit>range: 0 to 9]
Description: The results are countries that has average ratings higher than <limit>
tv #released per month
Description: Show the number of tv released per month in 2018 in pie chart.
tv ratings and month
Description: Show the trend of ratings in all months in 2018.
For example, if your input is
Enter a command: tv country and rating minrating=6
You will get the results in the terminal: country names and the average ratings of Tv shows of countries which have ratings more than 6. Also, you will get a bar chart which shows country name with average rating of Tv shows corresponds to the country.