The goal of this project is to design and implement a messaging system following the Publish-Subscribe pattern.
You must have the following software installed on your development machine:
- Python - version 3 or above
In a terminal, navigate to this sample's root directory.
Run the following commands:
Install libraries:
pip3 install requirements.txt
Run application :
In a terminal, navigate to this sample's root directory.
Run the following commands:
Build image:
docker build --tag my-tag .
Run container :
docker run -it my-tag
Now that the program has started it awaits for your input.
Write anything other than 'q' then press enter:
Dummy messages that have been published to a topic and then retrieved by a subscriber are displayed.
Enter 'q' to end program.
In a terminal, navigate to this sample's root directory.
Run the following command:
mypy .
#python static type checkblack .
#python code formatterflake8 .
#python code linterpython3 -m pytest
#python tests
Enjoy !
Check Architecture and Improvements for more information.