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Release v0.2.6

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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 Jan 13:11

ZAP Release v0.2.6


TLS / HTTPS / openssl build change!!!

Previously, zap required -Dopenssl=true to build openssl support. Turns out, for projects using zap, it's insanely hard if not impossible to pass the user provided option openssl=true down to the zap dependency.

As a workaround, I changed the build so that it now expects an environment variable ZAP_USE_OPENSSL be set to true.

So, to build the https example, run:

ZAP_USE_OPENSSL=true zig build run-https

The Example

Create the certificate and key file:

$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mykey.pem -out mycert.pem

Build / run the example

$ ZAP_USE_OPENSSL=true zig build https
$ ZAP_USE_OPENSSL=true zig build -Dopenssl=true run-https

Issue an HTTPS request:

$ curl -v -k https://localhost:4443/build.zig

Using openssl in your code is super simple:

    const tls = zap.fio_tls_new(
        null, // key file is not password-protected
    defer tls.deinit();

That tls data is then passed to the SimpleHttpListener:

    var listener = zap.SimpleHttpListener.init(.{
        .port = 4443,
        .on_request = on_request_verbose,
        .log = true,
        .max_clients = 100000,
        .tls = tls,   //   <----- h e r e
    try listener.listen();

Using it

To use in your own projects, put this dependency into your build.zig.zon:

        // zap v0.2.6
        .zap = .{
            .url = "",
            .hash = "1220140b2cdb01223ebd9c8d9f978df8a4b5c50b75f2170ed6af4cb477374511b8eb",

Here is a complete build.zig.zon example:

    .name = "My example project",
    .version = "0.0.1",

    .dependencies = .{
        // zap v0.2.6
        .zap = .{
            .url = "",
            .hash = "1220140b2cdb01223ebd9c8d9f978df8a4b5c50b75f2170ed6af4cb477374511b8eb",

Then, in your build.zig's build function, add the following before exe.install():

    const zap = b.dependency("zap", .{
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
    exe.addModule("zap", zap.module("zap"));