Simple Jabber and Telegram bot written in perl by KorG. The full command list follows:
- time -- show time.
- date -- show date & time.
- help -- show help message.
- karma [user] -- show specified user's karma (yours by default).
- top [number] -- show karma top.
- user: ++ -- increment or decrement specified (answered) user's karma.
- user: +1
- user: -1
- user: --
- user: —
- fortune -- show random thesis from fortune(6).
- poem -- show some depressive suicidal rhymes.
- http://uri -- show information about first found URI.
- man://page -- show link to the manpage on
- m:page
- man page
- g:txt -- transform txt into link to Google and show the title.
- sayto/user/txt -- send txt to user's private when bot founds him or her presence notification.
- ! txt -- translate txt from en-ru and vice versa.
- !! [txt] -- xlate layout en-ru and vice versa of the txt or the reply (jabber) or last message (telegram).
- add-kicker -- grant the user kicker privileges.
- remove-kicker -- remove the user from the list.
- list-kickers -- list users with kick privileges.
- kick {user} -- kick the user if you have respective rights.
- bomb {user} -- put a bomb on the user or taunt unless argument passed.
To request voice in a Jabber MUC, just send a private message to bot with body: "voice".
Original article about bot's creation (in russian) is available via Tune-IT blogs.
Feel free to change 'time' into 'scalar localtime' in the code if you prefer human-readable format :)
- /usr/games/fortune
- /usr/games/poem -- script to print a random poem (may be symlink for /usr/bin/true)
- cpan LWP::Protocol::https
- cpan LWP::Protocol::socks -- (optional) SOCKS proxy capability
- cpan HTML::HeadParser -- for
- cpan Net::Jabber
- cpan Net::Jabber::Bot
- cpan Test::Without::Module
- cpan JSON::MaybeXS
- cpan WWW::Telegram::BotAPI
- src/ -- main executable file for Jabber.
- src/ -- main executable file for Telegram.
- src/ -- configuration file included when needed.
- src/ -- keywords module.
- src/ -- ToMe module.
- src/ -- karma module.
- src/ -- translate module.
- src/ -- layout translation module.
- src/ -- utility to view saved hashes (karma, tg_counters, kick, ...).
- patch/Net/Jabber/ -- patch for Net::Jabber::Bot to avoid some warnings, add password functionality and comment-out message parser to perform it manually.
- rc.d/jplbot -- rc(8) script for FreeBSD
Well, some lists (karma, kick, ...) saved at the end of the work. You can simply view them using
$ ./ /path/to/file
$ ./ # shows /tmp/count_tg by default
- INT -- perform shutdown procedures.
- TERM -- perform shutdown procedures.
- USR1 -- fall into debugger (for jplbot started with -d parameter only).
- USR2 -- save dynamic data (karma, kick, ...). So if you want to save dynamic data more frequent, just tune-up your crontab:
15 * * * * /bin/pkill -USR2 -f
15 * * * * /bin/pkill -USR2 -f
If you liked this bot, you can send me a postcard to [email protected] and star this project on the github.
If you want to propose some features, code improvements or bug reports, just use "Issues" feature. Yep, I'll read them.