- scripts for plotting rsqsim catalogs
- Finds recurrence interval of faults set inside
- Combine list files from two runs for the prob team
- Goes through the "/home/rsqsim-00/pubp/" to get path to all .out files
- Returns a "myFileList" variable containing the paths
- A lot of plots
- Usage:
./restart_rsqsim.py <RSQSim source dir> <old directory> <old .in file> <restart name> <new maxT>
- Example:
./restart_rsqsim.py /u/sciteam/scottcal/scratch/RSQSim/old-write-style/ ../UCERF3sigmahigh64/ ../UCERF3sigmahigh64/UCERF3sigmahigh64.in UCERFtest 1.8924e+12