A simple Pollard's kangaroo ECDLP solver for SECPK1.
Kangaroo [-v] [-t nbThread] [-d dpBit] [gpu] [-check]
[-gpuId gpuId1[,gpuId2,...]] [-g g1x,g1y[,g2x,g2y,...]]
-v: Print version
-gpu: Enable gpu calculation
-gpu gpuId1,gpuId2,...: List of GPU(s) to use, default is 0
-g g1x,g1y,g2x,g2y,...: Specify GPU(s) kernel gridsize, default is 2*(MP),2*(Core/MP)
-d: Specify number of leading zeros for the DP method (default is auto)
-t nbThread: Secify number of thread
-l: List cuda enabled devices
-check: Check GPU kernel vs CPU
inFile: intput configuration file
Structure of the input file:
- All values are in hex format
- Public keys can be given either in compressed or uncompressed format
Start range
End range
Key #1
Key #2
The distinguished point (DP) method is an efficent method for storing random walks and detect collision between them. Instead of storing all points of all kanagroo's random walks, we store only points that have an x value starting with dp zero bits. When 2 kangaroos collide, they will then follow the same path because their jumps are a function of their x values. The collsion will be then detected until the 2 kangaroos reach a distinguished point.
This has a drawback when you have a lot of kangaroos and looking for collision in a small range as the overhead is in the order of nbKangaroo.2dp until a collision is detected. If dp is too small a large number of point will enter in the central table, will decrease performance and quicly fill the RAM.
Powerfull GPUs with large number of cores won't be very efficient on small range, you can try to decrease the grid size in order to have less kangaroos but the GPU performance may not be optimal.
Yau can change manualy the dp size using the -d option, take in considration that it will require about nbKangaroo.2dp more operations to complete.
The program uses 2 herds of kangaroos, a tame herd and a wild herd. When 2 kangoroos (a wild one and a tame one) collide, the key can be solved. Due to the birthday paradox, a collision happens (in average) after 2.sqrt(k2-k1) group operations, the 2 herds have the same size. To detect collision, the distinguished points method is used with a hashtable.
Here is a brief description of the algorithm:
We have to solve P = k.G, P is the public key, we know that k lies in the range [k1,k2], G is the SecpK1 generator point.
Group operations are additions on the elliptic curve, scalar operations are done modulo the order of the curve.
n = floor(log2(sqrt(k2-k1)))+1
- Create a jump point table jP = [G,2G,4G,8G,...,2n-1.G]
- Create a jump distance table jD = [1,2,4,8,....,2n-1]
for all i in herdSize
tamei = rand(0..(k2-k1)) # Scalar operation
tamePosi = (k1+tamei).G # Group operation
wildi = rand(0..(k2-k1)) - (k2-k1)/2 # Scalar operation
wildPosi = P + wildi.G # Group operation
found = false
while not found
for all i in herdSize
tamePosi = tamePosi + jP[tamePosi.x % n] # Group operation
tamei += jD[tamePosi.x % n] # Scalar operation
wildPosi = wildPosi + jP[wildPosi.x % n] # Group operation
wildi += jD[wildPosi.x % n] # Scalar operation
if tamePosi is distinguished
add (TAME,tamePosi,tamei) to hashTable
if wildPosi is distinguished
add (WILD,wildPosi,wildi) to hashTable
found = is there a collision in hashTable between a tame and a wild kangaroo ?
(Tame,Wild) = Collision
k = k1 + Tame.dist - Wild.dist
Install CUDA SDK and open Kangaroo.sln in Visual C++ 2017.
You may need to reset your Windows SDK version in project properties.
In Build->Configuration Manager, select the Release configuration.
Build and enjoy.
Note: The current release has been compiled with CUDA SDK 10.0, if you have a different release of the CUDA SDK, you may need to update CUDA SDK paths in Kangaroo.vcxproj using a text editor. The current nvcc option are set up to architecture starting at 3.0 capability, for older hardware, add the desired compute capabilities to the list in GPUEngine.cu properties, CUDA C/C++, Device, Code Generation.
Install CUDA SDK.
Depending on the CUDA SDK version and on your Linux distribution you may need to install an older g++ (just for the CUDA SDK).
Edit the makefile and set up the good CUDA SDK path and appropriate compiler for nvcc.
CUDA = /usr/local/cuda-8.0
CXXCUDA = /usr/bin/g++-4.8
You can enter a list of architecture (refer to nvcc documentation) if you have several GPU with different architecture. Compute capability 2.0 (Fermi) is deprecated for recent CUDA SDK.
Kangaroo need to be compiled and linked with a recent gcc (>=7). The current release has been compiled with gcc 7.3.0.
Go to the Kangaroo directory. ccap is the desired compute capability.
$ g++ -v
gcc version 7.3.0 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-27ubuntu1~18.04)
$ make all (for build without CUDA support)
$ make gpu=1 ccap=20 all
Runnig Kangaroo (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU, 8 cores, @ 2.93GHz, Quadro 600 (x2))
$pons@linpons:~/Kangaroo$cat in.txt
pons@linpons:~/Kangaroo$export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64
pons@linpons:~/Kangaroo$./kangaroo -t 4 -gpu -gpuId 0,1 in.txt
Kangaroo v1.2
Keys :1
Number of CPU thread: 4
Range width: 2^56
Number of random walk: 2^16.64 (Max DP=9)
DP size: 9 [0xff80000000000000]
SolveKeyCPU Thread 0: 1024 kangaroos
SolveKeyCPU Thread 2: 1024 kangaroos
SolveKeyCPU Thread 1: 1024 kangaroos
SolveKeyCPU Thread 3: 1024 kangaroos
GPU: GPU #0 Quadro 600 (2x48 cores) Grid(4x96) (13.5 MB used)
SolveKeyGPU Thread GPU#0: creating kangaroos...
GPU: GPU #1 Quadro 600 (2x48 cores) Grid(4x96) (13.5 MB used)
SolveKeyGPU Thread GPU#1: creating kangaroos...
SolveKeyGPU Thread GPU#0: 2^15.58 kangaroos in 334.8ms
SolveKeyGPU Thread GPU#1: 2^15.58 kangaroos in 364.7ms
[22.67 MKey/s][GPU 13.04 MKey/s][Count 2^29.06][Dead 0][28s][89.1MB]
Key# 0 Pub: 0x02E9F43F810784FF1E91D8BC7C4FF06BFEE935DA71D7350734C3472FE305FEF82A
Priv: 0x378ABDEC51BC5D
Done: Total time 29s
Input file: in.txt
Result: On a Xeon X5647 2.93GHz with 12GB of RAM (Ubuntu 18.04) CPU Only
pons@linpons:~/Kangaroo$ ./kangaroo in.txt
Kangaroo v1.0
Keys :16
Number of CPU thread: 8
Range width: 2^64
Number of random walk: 2^13.00 (Max DP=17)
DP size: 17 [0xffff800000000000]
Solvekey Thread 0: 1024 TAME kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 1: 1024 TAME kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 2: 1024 TAME kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 3: 1024 TAME kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 4: 1024 WILD kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 5: 1024 WILD kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 6: 1024 WILD kangaroos
Solvekey Thread 7: 1024 WILD kangaroos
[18.00 MKey/s][Count 2^34.40][20:47][Dead 10][20.2MB]
Key# 0 Pub: 0x0259A3BFDAD718C9D3FAC7C187F1139F0815AC5D923910D516E186AFDA28B221DC
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EBB3EF3883C1866D4
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.80][13:44][Dead 3][15.4MB]
Key# 1 Pub: 0x02A50FBBB20757CC0E9C41C49DD9DF261646EE7936272F3F68C740C9DA50D42BCD
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EB5ABC43BEBAD3207
[18.07 MKey/s][Count 2^30.28][01:12][Dead 1][2.8MB]
Key# 2 Pub: 0x0304A49211C0FE07C9F7C94695996F8826E09545375A3CF9677F2D780A3EB70DE3
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E5698AAAB6CAC52B3
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^32.78][06:44][Dead 2][9.4MB]
Key# 3 Pub: 0x030B39E3F26AF294502A5BE708BB87AEDD9F895868011E60C1D2ABFCA202CD7A4D
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E59C839258C2AD7A0
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.82][13:54][Dead 3][15.6MB]
Key# 4 Pub: 0x02837A31977A73A630C436E680915934A58B8C76EB9B57A42C3C717689BE8C0493
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E765FB411E63B92B9
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.07][08:16][Dead 1][10.9MB]
Key# 5 Pub: 0x020ECDB6359D41D2FD37628C718DDA9BE30E65801A88A00C3C5BDF36E7EE6ADBBA
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E7D0E6081C7E0E865
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^34.45][21:27][Dead 4][20.7MB]
Key# 6 Pub: 0x0322DD52FCFA3A4384F0AFF199D019E481D335923D8C00BADAD42FFFC80AF8FCF0
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EC737344CA673CE28
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.50][11:06][Dead 0][13.4MB]
Key# 7 Pub: 0x02DB4F1B249406B8BD662F78CBA46F5E90E20FE27FC69D0FBAA2F06E6E50E53669
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E38160DA9EBEAECD7
[18.17 MKey/s][Count 2^33.20][09:02][Dead 1][11.6MB]
Key# 8 Pub: 0x023BD0330D7381917F8860F1949ACBCCFDC7863422EEE2B6DB7EDD551850196687
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E79D808CAB1DECF8D
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^32.25][04:40][Dead 0][7.2MB]
Key# 9 Pub: 0x02332A02CA42C481EAADB7ADB97DF89033B23EA291FDA809BEA3CE5C3B73B20C49
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E54CAD3CFBC2A9C2B
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^32.75][06:38][Dead 1][9.3MB]
Key#10 Pub: 0x02513981849DE1A1327DEF34B51F5011C5070603CA22E6D868263CB7C908525F0C
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E0D5ECCC38D0230E6
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.63][12:12][Dead 1][14.3MB]
Key#11 Pub: 0x03D4E6FA664BD75A508C0FF0ED6F2C52DA2ADD7C3F954D9C346D24318DBD2ECFC6
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EE3579364DE939B0C
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.51][11:12][Dead 0][13.5MB]
Key#12 Pub: 0x0356B468963752924DBF56112633DC57F07C512E3671A16CD7375C58469164599D
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E7C43B8E079AE7278
[18.16 MKey/s][Count 2^33.89][14:33][Dead 3][16.1MB]
Key#13 Pub: 0x03D5BE7C653773CEE06A238020E953CFCD0F22BE2D045C6E5B4388A3F11B4586CB
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E8D63EF128EF66B42
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^34.10][16:51][Dead 5][17.7MB]
Key#14 Pub: 0x02B1985389D8AB680DEDD67BBA7CA781D1A9E6E5974AAD2E70518125BAD5783EB5
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E2452DD26BC983CD5
[18.18 MKey/s][Count 2^33.92][14:55][Dead 3][16.3MB]
Key#15 Pub: 0x0355B95BEF84A6045A505D015EF15E136E0A31CC2AA00FA4BCA62E5DF215EE981B
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E7AD38337C7F173C7
Done: Total time 03:07:38
On an i7-4770 with a GTX 1050 Ti (GPU only):
C:\C++\Kangaroo\VC_CUDA10\x64\Release>Kangaroo.exe -t 0 -gpu ..\..\in.txt
Kangaroo v1.0
Keys :16
Number of CPU thread: 0
Range width: 2^64
Number of random walk: 2^18.58 (Max DP=11)
DP size: 11 [0xFFE0000000000000]
GPU: GPU #0 GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (6x128 cores) Grid(12x256) (45.0 MB used)
SolveKeyGPU Thread GPU#0: creating kangaroos...
SolveKeyGPU Thread GPU#0: 2^18.58 kangaroos
[115.23 MKey/s][GPU 115.23 MKey/s][Count 2^33.52][Dead 5][02:02][463.9MB]
Key# 0 Pub: 0x0259A3BFDAD718C9D3FAC7C187F1139F0815AC5D923910D516E186AFDA28B221DC
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EBB3EF3883C1866D4
[115.22 MKey/s][GPU 115.22 MKey/s][Count 2^32.41][Dead 1][01:01][218.3MB]
Key# 1 Pub: 0x02A50FBBB20757CC0E9C41C49DD9DF261646EE7936272F3F68C740C9DA50D42BCD
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EB5ABC43BEBAD3207
[115.13 MKey/s][GPU 115.13 MKey/s][Count 2^32.99][Dead 0][01:29][323.5MB]
Key# 2 Pub: 0x0304A49211C0FE07C9F7C94695996F8826E09545375A3CF9677F2D780A3EB70DE3
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E5698AAAB6CAC52B3
[115.21 MKey/s][GPU 115.21 MKey/s][Count 2^32.66][Dead 0][01:12][258.7MB]
Key# 3 Pub: 0x030B39E3F26AF294502A5BE708BB87AEDD9F895868011E60C1D2ABFCA202CD7A4D
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E59C839258C2AD7A0
[115.22 MKey/s][GPU 115.22 MKey/s][Count 2^33.26][Dead 1][01:47][389.7MB]
Key# 4 Pub: 0x02837A31977A73A630C436E680915934A58B8C76EB9B57A42C3C717689BE8C0493
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E765FB411E63B92B9
[114.51 MKey/s][GPU 114.51 MKey/s][Count 2^34.70][Dead 8][04:42][1044.9MB]
Key# 5 Pub: 0x020ECDB6359D41D2FD37628C718DDA9BE30E65801A88A00C3C5BDF36E7EE6ADBBA
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E7D0E6081C7E0E865
[115.21 MKey/s][GPU 115.21 MKey/s][Count 2^32.00][Dead 1][47s][164.7MB]
Key# 6 Pub: 0x0322DD52FCFA3A4384F0AFF199D019E481D335923D8C00BADAD42FFFC80AF8FCF0
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EC737344CA673CE28
[115.21 MKey/s][GPU 115.21 MKey/s][Count 2^32.12][Dead 0][51s][179.6MB]
Key# 7 Pub: 0x02DB4F1B249406B8BD662F78CBA46F5E90E20FE27FC69D0FBAA2F06E6E50E53669
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E38160DA9EBEAECD7
[115.06 MKey/s][GPU 115.06 MKey/s][Count 2^33.88][Dead 5][02:42][595.5MB]
Key# 8 Pub: 0x023BD0330D7381917F8860F1949ACBCCFDC7863422EEE2B6DB7EDD551850196687
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E79D808CAB1DECF8D
[115.23 MKey/s][GPU 115.23 MKey/s][Count 2^31.71][Dead 0][39s][136.2MB]
Key# 9 Pub: 0x02332A02CA42C481EAADB7ADB97DF89033B23EA291FDA809BEA3CE5C3B73B20C49
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E54CAD3CFBC2A9C2B
[83.23 MKey/s][GPU 83.23 MKey/s][Count 2^30.23][Dead 0][17s][51.3MB]
Key#10 Pub: 0x02513981849DE1A1327DEF34B51F5011C5070603CA22E6D868263CB7C908525F0C
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E0D5ECCC38D0230E6
[114.85 MKey/s][GPU 114.85 MKey/s][Count 2^34.98][Dead 20][05:41][1269.3MB]
Key#11 Pub: 0x03D4E6FA664BD75A508C0FF0ED6F2C52DA2ADD7C3F954D9C346D24318DBD2ECFC6
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5EE3579364DE939B0C
[115.22 MKey/s][GPU 115.22 MKey/s][Count 2^33.99][Dead 2][02:54][642.5MB]
Key#12 Pub: 0x0356B468963752924DBF56112633DC57F07C512E3671A16CD7375C58469164599D
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E7C43B8E079AE7278
[115.11 MKey/s][GPU 115.11 MKey/s][Count 2^33.12][Dead 0][01:37][351.9MB]
Key#13 Pub: 0x03D5BE7C653773CEE06A238020E953CFCD0F22BE2D045C6E5B4388A3F11B4586CB
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E8D63EF128EF66B42
[115.22 MKey/s][GPU 115.22 MKey/s][Count 2^31.36][Dead 0][32s][108.8MB]
Key#14 Pub: 0x02B1985389D8AB680DEDD67BBA7CA781D1A9E6E5974AAD2E70518125BAD5783EB5
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E2452DD26BC983CD5
[115.22 MKey/s][GPU 115.22 MKey/s][Count 2^31.49][Dead 0][34s][118.0MB]
Key#15 Pub: 0x0355B95BEF84A6045A505D015EF15E136E0A31CC2AA00FA4BCA62E5DF215EE981B
Priv: 0x49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F65DDB48CB5E7AD38337C7F173C7
Done: Total time 29:44
- [1] Using Equivalence Classes to Accelerate Solvingthe Discrete Logarithm Problem in a Short Interval https://www.iacr.org/archive/pkc2010/60560372/60560372.pdf