This component sends communications of any variety, email, sms, chat based on the user's preferences. Under the hood, it is using Symfony Notifier and Symfony Messenger.
The simplest setup is to have an email sent to an SMTP channel. To set up the
configuration, add the following to config\config.php
$aggregator = new ConfigAggregator([
Next, create
and set up a simple route.
return [
'communication' => [
'routes' => [
'email' => 'channel'
If you don't set the from
address globally, you can also set it on a communication level.
In your .env file set the configuration for the email communication channel
// todo: set up a generic template
Now from the root of your project
vendor/bin/laminas communication:send-test-email [email protected] [email protected]
The email should be delivered to you.
To use Messenger to help handle the delivery of the emails simply update the
return [
'communication' => [
'routes' => [
'email' => 'bus'
This will default to using the Doctrine transport. If you want to change the transort, in your .env file add the transport.
Refer to the Symfony Messenger Transport Configuration documentation for more information on available transport configurations.
Once again run
vendor/bin/laminas communication:send-test-email [email protected] [email protected]
The command will complete, however, if you check, you will not see the email in your inbox. That's because you need to start the message consumer. That is a pretty straight forward process.
vendor/bin/laminas messenger:consume
This will start the consumer. Your test email will now be in your inbox.
See more information on how to set up your consumers in the Symfony Messenger documentation
To get a list of the failed messages, run this command
vendor/bin/laminas messenger:failed:show -vv
You can see details about a specific failure
vendor/bin/laminas messenger:failed:show {id} -vv
You can view and retry messages one-by-one
vendor/bin/laminas messenger:failed:retry -vv
You can retry specific messages
vendor/bin/laminas messenger:failed:retry {id1} {id2} --force
You can retry all messages at once
vendor/bin/laminas messenger:failed:retry --force
You can also remove a message without retrying it
vendor/bin/laminas messenger:failed:remove {id}
- Some refactoring to decrease complexity
- Allow part of context to be overridden by the Recipient