Various configs and scripts I use to get a better gaming experience in Linux
Scripts and configs where either written by me or based on others works with minor tweaks with the authors listed in the files.
In Conky I have ChrisTitus conky setup modify a little bit to show GPU usage and stuff
In Game-mode I have my game-mode config for optimizing games to have a nice priority of -4 (only really useful if have other processes eating at your CPU time. you have to install game mode for this and create the group game mode and add your user to it)
in KwinRules I have rules for kwin I created to have all steam and wine games open on my secondary display and everything else on the primary
in Latte I have my latte layout
in Proton I have my Proton user settings with dkvk HUD enabled for monitoring fps and stuff also I have modified the steam fps overlay to be bigger( currently don't know how to set it up to be permanent)
in Scripts I have various scripts some that i use with game mode
In scc I have my steam controller settings including mapping for the Astro C40 Tr which can be a pain to map since it has more buttons than the xbox and causes a whole lot of confusion. Note there is a bug where the controller is detected as 2 different controllers when it shuts down i set an empty profile for it so that it cant do crazy stuff like lock you mouse to a corner which happened to me