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YUI Target Environments

Thomas Broyer edited this page Nov 3, 2017 · 2 revisions
Internet Explorer 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0      11.0     
Chrome † Latest stable
Firefox † Latest stable
Safari iOS 5.† iOS 6.† iOS 7.† Safari 6.1
(OS X 10.8)
Safari 7.†
(OS X 10.9)
Android 2.3.† 4.†
Node.js* 0.8.† 0.10.†
Windows (Native) Windows 8 Apps (WinJS >= 2.†)


  • The dagger symbol (as in "iOS 6.†") indicates that the most-current non-beta version.
  • Certain modules have native Node.js support, while others are DOM dependent.

Module Support in Node.js

YUI does not come with server-side DOM support out of the box, in fact we recommend against running a DOM on the server for performance reasons. This means that only a subset of YUI modules will run natively within a Node.js environment, essentially any modules which do not depend on the DOM APIs in the browser. If you're inclined to run a DOM on the server, refer to this example.

YUI's modular architecture means components of the library can be designed as multiple modules, allowing for more code and functionality to be shared between the browser and server environments. A great example of this in the IO Utility, where the io-base module is the core logic which runs in all environments, and the io-form module only runs in browser environments because it works with HTML <form> elements in the DOM.


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