Phluxor Remoteは、Phluxorアクターシステムを活用したリモートアクターシステムを作成するためのライブラリです。
Phluxor Remote is a library that allows you to create remote actor systems in Phluxor.
It is inspired by the Proto.Remote.
with Phluxor Remote you can create a remote actor system that can communicate with other actor systems over network.
Phluxor Remote uses Swoole.
Between the two nodes, use the ProtoBuf
serialization format.
Websocket is used as the transport layer.
$ composer require phluxor/phluxor-remote
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Phluxor\ActorSystem;
use Phluxor\Remote\Config;
use Phluxor\Remote\Kind;
use Phluxor\Remote\Remote;
use Test\ProtoBuf\HelloRequest;
use Test\ProtoBuf\HelloResponse;
\Swoole\Coroutine\run(function () {
\Swoole\Coroutine\go(function () {
$system = ActorSystem::create();
$config = new Config('localhost', 50053, Config::withUseWebSocket(true));
$remote = new Remote($system, $config);
$props = ActorSystem\Props::fromFunction(
new ActorSystem\Message\ReceiveFunction(
function (ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface $context) {
$message = $context->message();
if ($message instanceof HelloRequest) {
$context->respond(new HelloResponse([
'Message' => 'Hello from remote node',
$system->root()->spawnNamed($props, 'hello');
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Phluxor\ActorSystem;
use Phluxor\Remote\Config;
use Phluxor\Remote\Kind;
use Phluxor\Remote\Remote;
use Test\ProtoBuf\HelloRequest;
use Test\ProtoBuf\HelloResponse;
\Swoole\Coroutine\run(function () {
\Swoole\Coroutine\go(function () {
$system = ActorSystem::create();
$config = new Config('localhost', 50052, Config::withUseWebSocket(true));
$remote = new Remote($system, $config);
$future = $system->root()->requestFuture(
new ActorSystem\Ref(new ActorSystem\ProtoBuf\Pid([
'address' => 'localhost:50053',
'id' => 'hello',
new HelloRequest(),
$r = $future->result()->value();
$r->getMessage(); // Hello from remote node!