Welcome to use COCACOLA (binning metagenomic contigs using sequence COmposition, read CoverAge, CO-alignment, and paired-end read LinkAge)!
COCACOLA is a general framework that combines different types of information: sequence COmposition, CoverAge across multiple samples, CO-alignment to reference genomes and paired-end reads LinkAge to automatically bin contigs into OTUs. Furthermore, COCACOLA seamlessly embraces customized prior knowledge to facilitate binning accuracy.
News: Python version of COCACOLA is available now!
This package contains the following files and directories.
blocknnls.m -> non-negative least square parallel wrapper
calCorrMat.m -> calculate the pairwise correlation of feature-object matrix
calInternalIdx.m -> calculate TSS minimization index
clustAgg_Lmethod.m -> eliminate suspicious clusters using bottom-up L Method
clustAgg_SepCond.m -> merge closely mixed clusters by separable conductance
example.m -> a demo on simulated 'strain' dataset
myKmeansPar.m -> implementation of k-means clustering
myNMF.m -> key algorithm
data -> example datasets directory
nmf_bpas -> non-negative least square algorithm developed by Kim and Park [1,2]
vlfeat-0.9.20.zip -> open source library implements very fast version of k-means [3]
Please try to execute 'example.m' to learn how to use this software given the input generated by CONCOCT [4]. And please check the description of 'myNMF.m' for the detailed usage of the algorithm.
Before using COCACOLA, the users are expected to setup the enviroment of vlfeat.
First of all, we change the working directory to the current folder and unzip the vlfeat.
$ unzip vlfeat-0.9.20.zip
Next, we open the matlab and change the working directory to the current folder
>> cd vlfeat-0.9.20/toolbox
>> vl_setup
>> cd ..
>> cd ..
The preprocessing steps aim to extract coverage profile and sequence composition profile as input to our program, which can be tackled by CONCOCT [4]. Here we provide a step-by-step guidance on simulated 'strain' dataset:
First of all, we changes the current working directory to the data folder.
$ cd data/StrainMock/
We need to set the directories of dependency software in environmental variables. Notice that the setting in the example may differ from your own.
$ CONCOCT_dir=/home/cmb-panasas2/ylu465/CONCOCT-master
$ BOWTIE_dir=/home/cmb-panasas2/ylu465/bowtie2-2.2.3
$ SAMTOOLS_dir=/home/cmb-panasas2/ylu465/samtools-1.1/bin
#### Map reads to assembly contigs
First create the index on the assembly contigs using bowtie2:
$ cd contigs/
$ $BOWTIE_dir/./bowtie2-build -f StrainMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta StrainMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta
$ cd ..
Next, we map the reads to assembly contigs for each samples, here we take Sample1006 as example. We can either integrated solution by CONCOCT [4]
$ export MRKDUP=/home/cmb-panasas2/ylu465/picard-tools-1.77/MarkDuplicates.jar
$ bash $CONCOCT_dir/scripts/map-bowtie2-markduplicates.sh -ct 10 -p '-f' samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_1.fasta samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_2.fasta pair contigs/StrainMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta Sample1006 samples/Sample1006/
or we can equivalently use SAMTools:
$ $BOWTIE_dir/./bowtie2 -f --fr -x contigs/StrainMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta -1 samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_1.fasta -2 samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_2.fasta -S samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_pair.sam -p 10
$ $SAMTOOLS_dir/./samtools view -b -S samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_pair.sam -o samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_pair.bam
$ $SAMTOOLS_dir/./samtools sort -T samples/Sample1006/ -o samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_pair.bam
$ $SAMTOOLS_dir/./samtools index samples/Sample1006/ -o samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_pair-smds.bam
$ rm samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_pair.sam
$ rm samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_pair.bam
#### Generate coverage table
Create a table with the coverage of each contig per sample using the bam files.
$ python $CONCOCT_dir/scripts/gen_input_table.py contigs/StrainMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta samples/Sample1006/Sample1006_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample1023/Sample1023_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample118/Sample118_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample120/Sample120_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample127/Sample127_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample134/Sample134_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample177/Sample177_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample215/Sample215_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample230/Sample230_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample234/Sample234_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample244/Sample244_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample261/Sample261_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample263/Sample263_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample290/Sample290_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample302/Sample302_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample321/Sample321_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample330/Sample330_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample343/Sample343_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample353/Sample353_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample371/Sample371_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample387/Sample387_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample409/Sample409_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample416/Sample416_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample424/Sample424_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample427/Sample427_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample454/Sample454_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample477/Sample477_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample482/Sample482_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample491/Sample491_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample495/Sample495_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample507/Sample507_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample509/Sample509_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample512/Sample512_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample522/Sample522_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample548/Sample548_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample564/Sample564_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample609/Sample609_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample616/Sample616_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample620/Sample620_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample624/Sample624_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample631/Sample631_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample687/Sample687_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample710/Sample710_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample712/Sample712_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample717/Sample717_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample733/Sample733_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample746/Sample746_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample759/Sample759_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample767/Sample767_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample803/Sample803_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample812/Sample812_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample827/Sample827_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample838/Sample838_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample853/Sample853_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample868/Sample868_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample871/Sample871_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample872/Sample872_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample882/Sample882_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample904/Sample904_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample906/Sample906_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample919/Sample919_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample943/Sample943_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample961/Sample961_pair-smds.bam samples/Sample983/Sample983_pair-smds.bam > input/cov_inputtableR.tsv
#### Generate composition table
$ python $CONCOCT_dir/scripts/fasta_to_features.py contigs/StrainMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta 9417 4 input/kmer_4_tmp.csv
Notice: Here 9417 is the number of contigs number in contigs/StrainMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta
Here we describe using Anaconda to run python version of COCACOLA on Linux/Unix. Anaconda is a tool to isolate your python installation, which allows you to have multiple parallel installations using different versions of different packages, and gives you a very convenient and fast way to install the most common scientific python packages. Anaconda can be downloaded from here
After installing Anaconda, create a new environment that will contain the COCACOLA installation:
$ conda create -n cocacola_env python=2.7.6
After creating the Anaconda environment, run the following command to activate it:
$ source activate cocacola_env
After that, install the COCACOLA dependencies into this environment:
$ conda install numpy scipy pandas scikit-learn cvxopt
- Download the python version of COCACOLA from here
- Unzip it
- Change the working directory to the unzipped folder
- Notice that if you are not using Linux/Unix, you need to re-compile the FragGeneScan and hmmer under the auxiliary folder, which is used to estimate the initial bin number by single-copy genes (credits owe to MaxBin2.0 [5]).
The command can be viewed by typing python cocacola.py -h
on the command line:
- Uage: cocacola.py [-h] [--contig_file CONTIG_FILE] [--abundance_profiles ABUNDANCE_PROFILES] [--composition_profiles COMPOSITION_PROFILES] [--edge_list EDGE_LIST] [--output OUTPUT] [--clusters CLUSTERS]
- optional arguments:
-h, --help: show this help message and exit.
--contig_file CONTIG_FILE:
The contigs file.
--abundance_profiles ABUNDANCE_PROFILES:
The abundance profiles, containing a table where each
row correspond to a contig, and each column correspond
to a sample. All values are separated with tabs.
The composition profiles, containing a table where
each row correspond to a contig, and each column
correspond to the kmer composition of particular kmer.
All values are separated with comma.
--edge_list EDGE_LIST:
The edges encoding either the co-alignment or the
pair-end linkage information, one row for one edge in
the format: contig_name_A contig_name_B weight. The
edge is undirected.
--output OUTPUT:
The output file, storing the binning result. If not
specified, the result is displayed directly on the
--clusters CLUSTERS:
Specify the number of clusters. If not specified, the
cluster number is estimated by single-copy genes.
$ python cocacola.py --contig_file data/SpeciesMock/input/SpeciesMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta --abundance_profiles data/SpeciesMock/input/cov_inputtableR.tsv --composition_profiles data/SpeciesMock/input/kmer_4.csv --output data/SpeciesMock/result.csv
$ python cocacola.py --contig_file data/SpeciesMock/input/SpeciesMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta --abundance_profiles data/SpeciesMock/input/cov_inputtableR.tsv --composition_profiles data/SpeciesMock/input/kmer_4.csv --edge_list data/SpeciesMock/input/linkage.txt --output data/SpeciesMock/result_link.csv
$ python cocacola.py --contig_file data/SpeciesMock/input/SpeciesMock_Contigs_cutup_10K_nodup_filter_1K.fasta --abundance_profiles data/SpeciesMock/input/cov_inputtableR.tsv --composition_profiles data/SpeciesMock/input/kmer_4.csv --edge_list data/SpeciesMock/input/coalign.txt --output data/SpeciesMock/result_coalign.csv
Please send bug reports, comments, or questions to
Yang Lu: [email protected]
Prof. Fengzhu Sun: [email protected]
Copyright (C) 2016 University of Southern California, Yang Lu
Authors: Yang Lu
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
[1] Kim, H., Park, H.: Nonnegative matrix factorization based on alternating nonnegativity constrained least squares and active set method. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 30(2), 713-730 (2008)
[2] Kim, J., He, Y., Park, H.: Algorithms for nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations: A unified view based on block coordinate descent framework. Journal of Global Optimization 58(2), 285-319 (2014)
[4] Alneberg, J., Bjarnason, B.S., de Bruijn, I., Schirmer, M., Quick, J., Ijaz, U.Z., Lahti, L., Loman, N.J., Andersson, A.F., Quince, C.: Binning metagenomic contigs by coverage and composition. Nature Methods 11(11), 1144-1146 (2014)
[5] Wu, Yu-Wei, Blake A. Simmons, and Steven W. Singer. "MaxBin 2.0: an automated binning algorithm to recover genomes from multiple metagenomic datasets." Bioinformatics, btv638 (2015)
Last update: 05-Mar-2017