- Fork this repository
- Go to Settings in your repository and select Actions > General
- Select the Allow all actions and reusable workflows option and click Save
- Go to the Actions tab and click the green button if actions are not yet enabled
Each of the 4 folders under exercises/ contains an HTML file and a JavaScript file. Open the HTML file in your browser, and work through the exercises as instructed in the corresponding JavaScript file. Each .js file Gives instructions for what you should see in the console if you're on the right track.
To run all the tests, you can run:
npx jest .
To check whether your code for a particular part is correct (for example, for part 2), you can run the following command in your console:
npx jest __tests__/test_part2.js
You can also lint your code with the following command:
npx eslint .
When you push your code to GitHub, GitHub should also run the same set of tests and lints.