An Ecommerce Website backend made using Java Spring Boot. I made this project while learning backend development in Spring Boot. It focuses on the main features of an ecommerce website like:
- Authentication & Authorization using JWTs
- CRUD operations for categories and products
- Implementing RESTful APIs
- Paging and Sorting
- Cart handling
- Order placement
Future Scope
- Implementing a payment gateway,
- Operation to change password through email verification
- A dashboard for sellers to handle orders
The aim behind making this project was to understand how SpringBoot works and how it makes development easier and faster. I learned about the core concepts of Spring like:
- Dependency Injection
- Inversion Of Control
- Aspect Oriented Programming
- Spring Containers, MVC and annotations
- JPA Repository/ Hibernate
- Spring Boot fundamentals
- Database Integration
- Error Handling
- RESTful APIs development
- Spring Security
- Spring Boot - Backend framework.
- JPA/Hibernate - ORM for database interactions.
- MySQL - Database for storing e-commerce data.
- Maven - Dependency management.
- Java Development Kit (JDK 17 or higher).
- Maven installed on your system.
- MySQL server running and configured.
(will update Soon!)